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Enum PivotFilterType


The type of pivot filter

public enum PivotFilterType


CaptionBeginsWith = 0

Filters the data where the caption starts with the specified value.

CaptionBetween = 1

Filters the data where the caption is between the specified values.

CaptionContains = 2

Filters the data where the caption contains the specified value.

CaptionEndsWith = 3

Filters the data where the caption ends with the specified value.

CaptionEqual = 4

Filters the data where the caption is equal to the specified value.

CaptionGreaterThan = 5

Filters the data where the caption is greater than the specified value.

CaptionGreaterThanOrEqual = 6

Filters the data where the caption is greater than or equal to the specified value.

CaptionLessThan = 7

Filters the data where the caption is less than the specified value.

CaptionLessThanOrEqual = 8

Filters the data where the caption is less than or equal to the specified value.

CaptionNotBeginsWith = 9

Filters the data where the caption does not start with the specified value.

CaptionNotBetween = 10

Filters the data where the caption is not between the specified values.

CaptionNotContains = 11

Filters the data where the caption does not contain the specified value.

CaptionNotEndsWith = 12

Filters the data where the caption does not end with the specified value.

CaptionNotEqual = 13

Filters the data where the caption is not equal to the specified value.

Count = 64

Filters the specified number of items containing top/bottom values.

DateBetween = 14

Filters the data where the date is between the specified values.

DateEqual = 15

Filters the data where the date is equal to the specified value.

DateNewerThan = 16

Filters the data where the date is newer than the specified value.

DateNewerThanOrEqual = 17

Filters the data where the date is newer than or equal to the specified value.

DateNotBetween = 18

Filters the data where the date is not between the specified values.

DateNotEqual = 19

Filters the data where the date is not equal to the specified value.

DateOlderThan = 20

Filters the data where the date is older than the specified value.

DateOlderThanOrEqual = 21

Filters the data where the date is older than or equal to the specified value.

LastMonth = 22

Filters the data for the last month.

LastQuarter = 23

Filters the data for the last quarter.

LastWeek = 24

Filters the data for the last week.

LastYear = 25

Filters the data for the last year.

M1 = 26

Filters the data for January.

M10 = 35

Filters the data for October.

M11 = 36

Filters the data for November.

M12 = 37

Filters the data for December.

M2 = 27

Filters the data for February.

M3 = 28

Filters the data for March.

M4 = 29

Filters the data for April.

M5 = 30

Filters the data for May.

M6 = 31

Filters the data for June.

M7 = 32

Filters the data for July.

M8 = 33

Filters the data for August.

M9 = 34

Filters the data for September.

NextMonth = 38

Filters the data for the next month.

NextQuarter = 39

Filters the data for the next quarter.

NextWeek = 40

Filters the data for the next week.

NextYear = 41

Filters the data for the next year.

Percent = 62

Filters top/bottom items that comprise not less than the specified percent of the total of the field values.

Q1 = 42

Filters the data for the first quarter.

Q2 = 43

Filters the data for the second quarter.

Q3 = 44

Filters the data for the third quarter.

Q4 = 45

Filters the data for the fourth quarter.

Sum = 63

Filters top/bottom items that comprise not less than the specified sum of the values.

ThisMonth = 46

Filters the data for the current month.

ThisQuarter = 47

Filters the data for the current quarter.

ThisWeek = 48

Filters the data for the current week.

ThisYear = 49

Filters the data for the current year.

Today = 50

Filters the data for today.

Tomorrow = 51

Filters the data for tomorrow.

ValueBetween = 52

Filters the data where the value is between the specified values.

ValueEqual = 53

Filters the data where the value is equal to the specified value.

ValueGreaterThan = 54

Filters the data where the value is greater than the specified value.

ValueGreaterThanOrEqual = 55

Filters the data where the value is greater than or equal to the specified value.

ValueLessThan = 56

Filters the data where the value is less than the specified value.

ValueLessThanOrEqual = 57

Filters the data where the value is less than or equal to the specified value.

ValueNotBetween = 58

Filters the data where the value is not between the specified values (inclusive).

ValueNotEqual = 59

Filters the data where the value is not equal to the specified value.

YearToDate = 60

Filters the data where the date is within the current year-to-date period.

Yesterday = 61

Filters the data where the date is yesterday.