Represents a check box cell.
public class CheckBoxCellType : BaseCellType
Create a check box cell type.
public CheckBoxCellType()
Gets or sets whether boxSize changes with font size.
public bool AutoBoxSize { get; set; }
Gets or sets a value that indicates the check box size
public int BoxSize { get; set; }
Gets or sets the caption of the cell type.
public string Caption { get; set; }
Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the check box supports three states.
public bool IsThreeState { get; set; }
Gets or sets the text alignment relative to the check box.
public CheckBoxAlign TextAlign { get; set; }
Gets or sets the text in the cell when the cell's value is false.
public string TextFalse { get; set; }
Gets or sets the text in the cell when the cell's value is indeterminate (neither true nor false).
public string TextIndeterminate { get; set; }
Gets or sets the text in the cell when the cell's value is true.
public string TextTrue { get; set; }