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Enum UsedRangeType


Specifies the type of all supported features.

public enum UsedRangeType


All = Data | Style | Axis | Chart | Comment | ConditionalFormatting | DataValidation | Filter | Hyperlink | Merge | Picture | PivotTable | Slicer | Shape | Sort | Sparkline | Table

Specifies all data.

Axis = 4

Specifies the axis type.

Chart = 8

Specifies the chart type.

Comment = 16

Specifies the comment type.

ConditionalFormatting = 32

Specifies the conditional formatting type.

Data = 1

Specifies the data type.

DataValidation = 64

Specifies the data validation type.

Filter = 128

Specifies the filter type.

Specifies the hyperlink type.

Merge = 512

Specifies the merge type.

None = 0

Specifies no type.

Picture = 1024

Specifies the picture type.

PivotTable = 2048

Specifies the pivot table type.

Shape = 8192

Specifies the shape type.

Slicer = 4096

Specifies the slicer type.

Sort = 16384

Specifies the sort type.

Sparkline = 32768

Specifies the sparkline type.

Style = 2

Specifies the style type.

Table = 65536

Specifies the table type.