Represents the conditional formats associated with a range.
public interface IFormatConditions
Returns a value that represents the number of objects in the collection.
int Count { get; }
Returns the conditional format specified by the zero-based index.
object this[int index] { get; }
intThe zero-based index of the conditional format to return.
The specified conditional format.
Adds a new conditional format.
object Add(FormatConditionType type, FormatConditionOperator formatConditionOperator = FormatConditionOperator.Between, object formula1 = null, object formula2 = null)
FormatConditionTypeSpecifies the type for the new conditional format.
FormatConditionOperatorSpecifies the operator of the conditional format.
objectSpecifies the first formula of the conditional format.
objectSpecifies the second formula of the conditional format.
The new conditional format.
Returns a new IAboveAverage object representing a conditional formatting rule for the specified range.
IAboveAverage AddAboveAverage()
AboveAverage object.
Returns a new IColorScale object representing a conditional formatting rule that uses gradations in cell colors to indicate relative differences in the values of cells included in a selected range.
IColorScale AddColorScale(ColorScaleType colorScaleType)
ColorScaleTypeColorScale object.
Returns a IDataBar object representing a data bar conditional formatting rule for the specified range.
IDataBar AddDatabar()
Databar object.
Returns a new IIconSetCondition object which represents an icon set conditional formatting rule for the specified range.
IIconSetCondition AddIconSetCondition()
IconSetCondition object.
Returns a ITop10 object representing a conditional formatting rule for the specified range.
ITop10 AddTop10()
Top10 object.
Returns a new IUniqueValues object representing a conditional formatting rule for the specified range.
IUniqueValues AddUniqueValues()
UniqueValues object
Deletes all conditional formats associated with the represented range.
void Delete()
Generates the conditional formats from the json string.
void FromJson(string json)
stringThe json string.
Generates a json string from the conditional formats.
string ToJson()
The conditional formats json string.