Specifies the type of subtotal for the specified pivot field.
public enum SubtotalType
Automatic = 1
Specifies that the subtotal type is the same as the value of PivotDataConsolidationFunction. If Automatic is used, all other subtotals should be removed.
Average = 8
Specifies the average.
Count = 4
Specifies the number of values.
CountNums = 128
Specifies the number of numeric values.
Max = 16
Specifies the maximum.
Min = 32
Specifies the minimum.
None = 0
Specifies no subtotal is used.
Product = 64
Specifies the product.
StdDev = 256
Specifies StdDev.
StdDevP = 512
Specifies StdDevP.
Sum = 2
Specifies sum.
Var = 1024
Specifies Var.
VarP = 2048
Specifies VarP.