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Enum PaperSize


Represents the size of the paper.

public enum PaperSize


A2 = 66

A2 420 x 594 mm

A3 = 8

A3 (297 mm x 420 mm)

A3Extra = 63

A3 Extra 322 x 445 mm

A3ExtraTransverse = 68

A3 Extra Transverse 322 x 445 mm

A3Rotated = 76

420mm x 297mm

A3Transverse = 67

A3 Transverse 297 x 420 mm

A4 = 9

A4 (210 mm x 297 mm)

A4Extra = 53

A4 Extra 9.27 x 12.69 in

A4Plus = 60

A4 Plus 210 x 330 mm

A4Rotated = 77

297mm x 210mm

A4Small = 10

A4 Small (210 mm x 297 mm)

A4Transverse = 55

A4 Transverse 210 x 297 mm

A5 = 11

A5 (148 mm x 210 mm)

A5Extra = 64

A5 Extra 174 x 235 mm

A5Rotated = 78

210mm x 148mm

A5Transverse = 61

A5 Transverse 148 x 210 mm

A6 = 70

A6 105 x 148 mm

A6Rotated = 83

A6 Rotated 148 x 105 mm

B4 = 12

B4 (250 mm x 354 mm)

B5 = 13

A5 (148 mm x 210 mm)

Csheet = 24

C size sheet

Dsheet = 25

D size sheet

Envelope10 = 20

Envelope #10 (4-1/8 in. x 9-1/2 in.)

Envelope11 = 21

Envelope #11 (4-1/2 in. x 10-3/8 in.)

Envelope12 = 22

Envelope #12 (4-1/2 in. x 11 in.)

Envelope14 = 23

Envelope #14 (5 in. x 11-1/2 in.)

Envelope9 = 19

Envelope #9 (3-7/8 in. x 8-7/8 in.)

EnvelopeB4 = 33

Envelope B4 (250 mm x 353 mm)

EnvelopeB5 = 34

Envelope B5 (176 mm x 250 mm)

EnvelopeB6 = 35

Envelope B6 (176 mm x 125 mm)

EnvelopeC3 = 29

Envelope C3 (324 mm x 458 mm)

EnvelopeC4 = 30

Envelope C4 (229 mm x 324 mm)

EnvelopeC5 = 28

Envelope C5 (162 mm x 229 mm)

EnvelopeC6 = 31

Envelope C6 (114 mm x 162 mm)

EnvelopeC65 = 32

Envelope C65 (114 mm x 229 mm)

EnvelopeDL = 27

Envelope DL (110 mm x 220 mm)

EnvelopeInvite = 47

Envelope Invite(220mm x 220mm)

EnvelopeItaly = 36

Envelope (110 mm x 230 mm)

EnvelopeMonarch = 37

Envelope Monarch (3-7/8 in. x 7-1/2 in.)

EnvelopePersonal = 38

Envelope (3-5/8 in. x 6-1/2 in.)

Esheet = 26

E size sheet

Executive = 7

Executive (7-1/2 in. x 10-1/2 in.)

FanfoldLegalGerman = 41

German Legal Fanfold (8-1/2 in. x 13 in.)

FanfoldStdGerman = 40

German Legal Fanfold (8-1/2 in. x 13 in.)

FanfoldUS = 39

U.S. Standard Fanfold (14-7/8 in. x 11 in.)

Folio = 14

Folio (8-1/2 in. x 13 in.)

ISOB4 = 42

B4 (ISO) 250 x 353 mm

ISOB5Extra = 65

B5 (ISO) Extra 201 x 276 mm

JapaneseDoublePostcard = 69

Japanese Double Postcard 200 x 148 mm

JapaneseDoublePostcardRotated = 82

Double Japanese Postcard Rotated 148 x 200 mm

JapaneseEnvelopeChou3 = 73

Japanese Envelope Chou #3

JapaneseEnvelopeChou3Rotated = 86

Japanese Envelope Chou #3 Rotated

JapaneseEnvelopeChou4 = 74

Japanese Envelope Chou #4

JapaneseEnvelopeChou4Rotated = 87

Japanese Envelope Chou #4 Rotated

JapaneseEnvelopeKaku2 = 71

Japanese Envelope Kaku #2

JapaneseEnvelopeKaku2Rotated = 84

Japanese Envelope Kaku #2 Rotated

JapaneseEnvelopeKaku3 = 72

Japanese Envelope Kaku #3

JapaneseEnvelopeKaku3Rotated = 85

Japanese Envelope Kaku #3 Rotated

JapaneseEnvelopeYou4 = 91

Japanese Envelope You #4

JapaneseEnvelopeYou4Rotated = 92

Japanese Envelope You #4 Rotated

JapanesePostcard = 43

Japanese Postcard (100mm x 148mm)

JapanesePostcardRotated = 81

Japanese Postcard Rotated 148 x 100 mm

JISB4Rotated = 79

B4 (JIS) Rotated 364 x 257 mm

JISB5Rotated = 80

B5 (JIS) Rotated 257 x 182 mm

JISB5Transverse = 62

B5 (JIS) Transverse 182 x 257 mm

JISB6 = 88

B6 (JIS) 128 x 182 mm

JISB6Rotated = 89

B6 (JIS) Rotated 182 x 128 mm

Ledger = 4

Ledger (17 in. x 11 in.)

Legal (8-1/2 in. x 14 in.)

LegalExtra = 51

US Legal Extra 9 \275 x 15 in

Letter = 1

Letter (8-1/2 in. x 11 in.)

LetterExtra = 50

US Letter Extra 9 \275 x 12 in

LetterExtraTransverse = 56

Letter Extra Transverse 9\275 x 12 in

LetterPlus = 59

US Letter Plus 8.5 x 12.69 in

LetterRotated = 75

11 x 8.5 in.

LetterSmall = 2

Letter Small (8-1/2 in. x 11 in.)

LetterTransverse = 54

Letter Transverse 8 \275 x 11 in

Note = 18

Note (8-1/2 in. x 11 in.)

PRC16K = 93

PRC 16K 146 x 215 mm

PRC16KRotated = 106

PRC 16K Rotated

PRC32K = 94

PRC 32K 97 x 151 mm

PRC32KRotated = 107

PRC 32K Rotated

PRCBig32K = 95

PRC 32K(Big) 97 x 151 mm

PRCBig32KRotated = 108

PRC 32K(Big) Rotated

PRCEnvelope1 = 96

PRC Envelope #1 102 x 165 mm

PRCEnvelope10 = 105

PRC Envelope #10 324 x 458 mm

PRCEnvelope10Rotated = 118

PRC Envelope #10 Rotated 458 x 324 mm

PRCEnvelope1Rotated = 109

PRC Envelope #1 Rotated 165 x 102 mm

PRCEnvelope2 = 97

PRC Envelope #2 102 x 176 mm

PRCEnvelope2Rotated = 110

PRC Envelope #2 Rotated 176 x 102 mm

PRCEnvelope3 = 98

PRC Envelope #3 125 x 176 mm

PRCEnvelope3Rotated = 111

PRC Envelope #3 Rotated 176 x 125 mm

PRCEnvelope4 = 99

PRC Envelope #4 110 x 208 mm

PRCEnvelope4Rotated = 112

PRC Envelope #4 Rotated 208 x 110 mm

PRCEnvelope5 = 100

PRC Envelope #5 110 x 220 mm

PRCEnvelope5Rotated = 113

PRC Envelope #5 Rotated 220 x 110 mm

PRCEnvelope6 = 101

PRC Envelope #6 120 x 230 mm

PRCEnvelope6Rotated = 114

PRC Envelope #6 Rotated 230 x 120 mm

PRCEnvelope7 = 102

PRC Envelope #7 160 x 230 mm

PRCEnvelope7Rotated = 115

PRC Envelope #7 Rotated 230 x 160 mm

PRCEnvelope8 = 103

PRC Envelope #8 120 x 309 mm

PRCEnvelope8Rotated = 116

PRC Envelope #8 Rotated 309 x 120 mm

PRCEnvelope9 = 104

PRC Envelope #9 229 x 324 mm

PRCEnvelope9Rotated = 117

PRC Envelope #9 Rotated 324 x 229 mm

Quarto = 15

Quarto (215 mm x 275 mm)

Size10x11 = 45

10 x 11 in.

Size10x14 = 16

10 in. x 14 in.

Size11x17 = 17

11 in. x 17 in.

Size12x11 = 90

12 x 11 in

Size15x11 = 46

15 x 11 in.

Size9x11 = 44

9 x 11 in.

Statement = 6

Statement (5-1/2 in. x 8-1/2 in.)

SuperA = 57

SuperA/SuperA/A4 227 x 356 mm

SuperB = 58

SuperB/SuperB/A3 305 x 487 mm

Tabloid = 3

Tabloid (11 in. x 17 in.)

TabloidExtra = 52

US Tabloid Extra 11.69 x 18 in

User = 256
