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Enum AutoShapeType


Specifies the shape type for an AutoShape object.

public enum AutoShapeType


ActionButtonBackorPrevious = 129

Specifies the Back or Previous button. Supports mouse-click and mouse-over actions.

ActionButtonBeginning = 131

Specifies the Beginning button. Supports mouse-click and mouse-over actions.

ActionButtonCustom = 125

Specifies a button with no default picture or text. Supports mouse-click and mouse-over actions.

ActionButtonDocument = 134

Specifies the Document button. Supports mouse-click and mouse-over actions.

ActionButtonEnd = 132

Specifies the End button. Supports mouse-click and mouse-over actions.

ActionButtonForwardorNext = 130

Specifies the Forward or Next button. Supports mouse-click and mouse-over actions.

ActionButtonHelp = 127

Specifies the Help button. Supports mouse-click and mouse-over actions.

ActionButtonHome = 126

Specifies the Home button. Supports mouse-click and mouse-over actions.

ActionButtonInformation = 128

Specifies the Information button. Supports mouse-click and mouse-over actions.

ActionButtonMovie = 136

Specifies the Movie button. Supports mouse-click and mouse-over actions.

ActionButtonReturn = 133

Specifies the Return button. Supports mouse-click and mouse-over actions.

ActionButtonSound = 135

Specifies the Sound button. Supports mouse-click and mouse-over actions.

Arc = 25

Specifies an arc.

Balloon = 137

Specifies a balloon.

BentArrow = 41

Specifies a block arrow that follows a curved 90-degree angle.

BentUpArrow = 44

Specifies a block arrow that follows a sharp 90-degree angle. Points up by default.

Bevel = 15

Specifies a bevel.

BlockArc = 20

Specifies a block arc.

Can = 13

Specifies a can.

ChartPlus = 181

Specifies a square divided vertically and horizontally into four quarters.

ChartStar = 180

Specifies a square divided six parts along vertical and diagonal lines.

ChartX = 179

Specifies a square divided into four parts along diagonal lines.

Chevron = 52

Specifies a chevron.

Chord = 160

Specifies a circle with a line connecting two points on the perimeter through the interior of the circle; a circle with a chord.

CircularArrow = 60

Specifies a block arrow that follows a curved 180-degree angle.

Cloud = 178

Specifies a cloud shape.

CloudCallout = 108

Specifies a cloud callout.

Corner = 161

Specifies a rectangle with a rectangular-shaped hole.

CornerTabs = 168

Specifies four right triangles aligning along a rectangular path with four ‘snipped’ corners.

Cross = 11

Specifies a cross.

Cube = 14

Specifies a cube.

CurvedDownArrow = 48

Specifies a block arrow that curves down.

CurvedDownRibbon = 100

Specifies a ribbon banner that curves down.

CurvedLeftArrow = 46

Specifies a block arrow that curves left.

CurvedRightArrow = 45

Specifies a block arrow that curves right

CurvedUpArrow = 47

Specifies a block arrow that curves up.

CurvedUpRibbon = 99

Specifies a ribbon banner that curves up.

Decagon = 143

Specifies a decagon.

DiagonalStripe = 140

Specifies a rectangle with two triangle-shapes removed; a diagonal stripe.

Diamond = 4

Specifies a diamond.

Dodecagon = 145

Specifies a dodecagon.

Donut = 18

Specifies a donut.

DoubleBrace = 27

Specifies a double brace.

DoubleBracket = 26

Specifies a double bracket.

DoubleWave = 104

Specifies a double wave shape.

DownArrow = 36

Specifies a block arrow that points down.

DownArrowCallout = 56

Specifies a callout with an arrow that points down.

DownRibbon = 98

Specifies a ribbon banner with a center area below the ribbon ends.

Explosion1 = 89

Specifies an explosion : 8 pt.

Explosion2 = 90

Specifies an explosion : 14 pt.

FlowchartAlternateProcess = 62

Specifies an alternate process flowchart symbol.

FlowchartCard = 75

Specifies a card flowchart symbol.

FlowchartCollate = 79

Specifies a collate flowchart symbol.

FlowchartConnector = 73

Specifies a connector flowchart symbol.

FlowchartData = 64

Specifies a data flowchart symbol.

FlowchartDecision = 63

Specifies a decision flowchart symbol.

FlowchartDelay = 84

Specifies a delay flowchart symbol.

FlowchartDirectAccessStorage = 87

Specifies a direct access storage flowchart symbol.

FlowchartDisplay = 88

Specifies a display flowchart symbol.

FlowchartDocument = 67

Specifies a document flowchart symbol.

FlowchartExtract = 81

Specifies an extract flowchart symbol.

FlowchartInternalStorage = 66

Specifies an internal storage flowchart symbol.

FlowchartMagneticDisk = 86

Specifies a magnetic disk flowchart symbol.

FlowchartManualInput = 71

Specifies a manual input flowchart symbol.

FlowchartManualOperation = 72

Specifies a manual operation flowchart symbol.

FlowchartMerge = 82

Specifies a merge flowchart symbol.

FlowchartMultidocument = 68

Specifies a multi-document flowchart symbol.

FlowchartOfflineStorage = 138

Specifies an offline storage flowchart symbol.

FlowchartOffpageConnector = 74

Specifies an off-page connector flowchart symbol.

FlowchartOr = 78

Specifies the "Or" flowchart symbol.

FlowchartPredefinedProcess = 65

Specifies a predefined process flowchart symbol.

FlowchartPreparation = 70

Specifies a preparation flowchart symbol.

FlowchartProcess = 61

Specifies a process flowchart symbol.

FlowchartPunchedTape = 76

Specifies a punched tape flowchart symbol.

FlowchartSequentialAccessStorage = 85

Specifies a sequential access storage flowchart symbol.

FlowchartSort = 80

Specifies a sort flowchart symbol.

FlowchartStoredData = 83

Specifies a stored data flowchart symbol.

FlowchartSummingJunction = 77

Specifies a summing junction flowchart symbol.

FlowchartTerminator = 69

Specifies a terminator flowchart symbol.

FoldedCorner = 16

Specifies a folded corner.

Frame = 157

Specifies a rectangular picture frame.

Funnel = 173

Specifies a funnel.

Gear6 = 171

Specifies a gear with six teeth.

Gear9 = 172

Specifies a gear with nine teeth

HalfFrame = 158

Specifies half of a rectangular picture frame.

Heart = 21

Specifies a heart.

Heptagon = 144

Specifies a heptagon.

Hexagon = 10

Specifies a hexagon.

HorizontalScroll = 102

Specifies a horizontal scroll shape.

IsoscelesTriangle = 7

Specifies an isosceles triangle.

LeftArrow = 34

Specifies a block arrow that points left.

LeftArrowCallout = 54

Specifies a callout with an arrow that points left.

LeftBrace = 31

Specifies the left brace.

LeftBracket = 29

Specifies the left bracket.

LeftCircularArrow = 175

Specifies a circular arrow pointing counter-clockwise.

LeftRightArrow = 37

Specifies a block arrow with arrowheads that point both left and right.

LeftRightArrowCallout = 57

Specifies a callout with arrowheads that point both left and right.

LeftRightCircularArrow = 176

Specifies a circular arrow pointing clockwise and counter-clockwise; a curved arrow with points at both ends.

LeftRightRibbon = 139

Specifies a ribbon with an arrow at both ends.

LeftRightUpArrow = 40

Specifies a block arrow with arrowheads that point left, right, and up.

LeftUpArrow = 43

Specifies a block arrow with arrowheads that point left and up.

LightningBolt = 22

Specifies a lightning bolt.

LineCallout1 = 109

Specifies a callout with border and horizontal callout lines.

LineCallout1AccentBar = 113

Specifies a callout with a horizontal accent bar.

LineCallout1BorderandAccentBar = 121

Specifies a callout with a border and horizontal accent bar.

LineCallout1NoBorder = 117

Specifies a callout with a horizontal line.

LineCallout2 = 110

Specifies a callout with a diagonal straight line.

LineCallout2AccentBar = 114

Specifies a callout with a diagonal callout line and accent bar.

LineCallout2BorderandAccentBar = 122

Specifies a callout with border, diagonal straight line, and accent bar.

LineCallout2NoBorder = 118

Specifies a callout with no border and a diagonal callout line.

LineCallout3 = 111

Specifies a callout with an angled line.

LineCallout3AccentBar = 115

Specifies a callout with an angled callout line and accent bar.

LineCallout3BorderandAccentBar = 123

Specifies a callout with border, angled callout line, and accent bar.

LineCallout3NoBorder = 119

Specifies a callout with no border and an angled callout line.

LineCallout4 = 112

Specifies a callout with callout line segments forming a U-shape.

LineCallout4AccentBar = 116

Specifies a callout with an accent bar and callout line segments forming a U-shape.

LineCallout4BorderandAccentBar = 124

Specifies a callout with border, accent bar, and callout line segments forming a U-shape.

LineCallout4NoBorder = 120

Specifies a callout with no border and callout line segments forming a U-shape.

LineInverse = 182

Specifies an inverse line.

MathDivide = 165

Specifies the division symbol ‘÷’.

MathEqual = 166

Specifies the equivalence symbol ‘=’.

MathMinus = 163

Specifies the subtraction symbol ‘-‘.

MathMultiply = 164

Specifies the multiplication symbol ‘x’.

MathNotEqual = 167

Specifies the non-equivalence symbol ‘≠’.

MathPlus = 162

Specifies the addition symbol ‘+’.

Mixed = 183

Specifies msoShapeTypeMixed, such as signature lines.

Moon = 24

Specifies a moon.

None = 0

Specifies a combination of the other states, return value only.

NonIsoscelesTrapezoid = 142

Specifies a trapezoid with asymmetrical non-parallel sides.

NoSymbol = 19

Specifies the "No" symbol.

NotchedRightArrow = 50

Specifies a notched block arrow that points right

Octagon = 6

Specifies an octagon.

Oval = 9

Specifies an oval.

OvalCallout = 107

Specifies an oval-shaped callout.

Parallelogram = 2

Specifies a parallelogram.

Pentagon = 51

Specifies a pentagon.

Pie = 141

Specifies a circle (‘pie’) with a portion missing.

PieWedge = 174

Specifies a quarter of a circular shape.

Plaque = 28

Specifies a plaque.

PlaqueTabs = 170

Specifies four quarter-circles defining a rectangular shape.

QuadArrow = 39

Specifies block arrows that point up, down, left, and right.

QuadArrowCallout = 59

Specifies a callout with arrows that point up, down, left, and right.

Rectangle = 1

Specifies a rectangle.

RectangularCallout = 105

Specifies a rectangular callout.

RegularPentagon = 12

Specifies a pentagon.

RightArrow = 33

Specifies a block arrow that points right.

RightArrowCallout = 53

Specifies a callout with an arrow that points right.

RightBrace = 32

Specifies the right brace.

RightBracket = 30

Specifies the right bracket.

RightTriangle = 8

Specifies a right triangle.

Round1Rectangle = 150

Specifies a rectangle with one rounded corner.

Round2DiagRectangle = 152

Specifies a rectangle with two rounded corners, diagonally-opposed.

Round2SameRectangle = 151

Specifies a rectangle with two-rounded corners that share a side.

RoundedRectangle = 5

Specifies a rounded rectangle.

RoundedRectangularCallout = 106

Specifies a rounded rectangle-shaped callout.

Shape16pointStar = 94

Specifies a 16-point star.

Shape24pointStar = 95

Specifies a 24-point star.

Shape32pointStar = 96

Specifies a 32-point star.

Shape4pointStar = 91

Specifies a 4-point star.

Shape5pointStar = 92

Specifies a 5-point star.

Shape8pointStar = 93

Specifies an 8-point star.

SmileyFace = 17

Specifies a smiley face.

Snip1Rectangle = 154

Specifies a rectangle with one snipped corner.

Snip2DiagRectangle = 156

Specifies a rectangle with two snipped corners, diagonally-opposed.

Snip2SameRectangle = 155

Specifies a rectangle with two snipped corners that share a side.

SnipRoundRectangle = 153

Specifies a rectangle with one snipped corner and one rounded corner.

SquareTabs = 169

Specifies four small squares that define a rectangular shape.

Star10Point = 148

Specifies a 10-point star.

Star12Point = 149

Specifies a 12-point star.

Star6Point = 146

Specifies a 6-point star.

Star7Point = 147

Specifies a 7-point star.

StripedRightArrow = 49

Specifies a block arrow that points right with stripes at the tail.

Sun = 23

Specifies a sun.

SwooshArrow = 177

Specifies a curved arrow.

Tear = 159

Specifies a water droplet.

Trapezoid = 3

Specifies a trapezoid.

UpArrow = 35

Specifies a block arrow that points up.

UpArrowCallout = 55

Specifies a callout with an arrow that points up.

UpDownArrow = 38

Specifies a block arrow that points up and down.

UpDownArrowCallout = 58

Specifies a callout with arrows that point up and down.

UpRibbon = 97

Specifies a ribbon banner with a center area above the ribbon ends.

UTurnArrow = 42

Specifies a block arrow forming a U shape.

VerticalScroll = 101

Specifies a vertical scroll shape.

Wave = 103

Specifies a wave shape.