Options used for pagination and rendering of a GcWordDocument.
public class WordLayoutSettings
Creates a new instance of the WordLayoutSettings class.
public WordLayoutSettings()
Gets or sets a value specifying how to handle comments during layout of a GcWordDocument.
Default value is Full
.public WordCommentMode CommentMode { get; set; }
Gets or sets the array of font family names to choose the default font from. First elements of the array are more preferable than the subsequent ones.
Setting FontCollection to a not null value makes this property unusable.
public string[] DefaultFontFamilies { get; set; }
Gets or sets the array of font family names to be used as fallback fonts.
Setting FontCollection to a not null value makes this property unusable.
public string[] FallbackFontFamilies { get; set; }
Gets or sets a GrapeCity.Documents.Text.FontCollection with fonts to be used for rendering text.
If this property is not null the value of FontDirectory is ignored.
In a Windows environment both FontCollection and FontDirectory can be null, in which case Windows system fonts will be used. In a non-Windows environment not specifying these properties may cause the rendering to fail.
public FontCollection FontCollection { get; set; }
Gets or sets the path to a directory with fonts to be used for rendering text.
Setting FontCollection to a not null value makes this property unusable.
In a Windows environment both FontCollection and FontDirectory can be null, in which case Windows system fonts will be used. In a non-Windows environment not specifying these properties may cause the rendering to fail.
public string FontDirectory { get; set; }