Represents special formatting applied to specified areas of a table when the selected table is formatted with a specified table style.
public class ConditionalStyle : TableStyleBase
Gets the base (this class) key for formatting properties.
protected override string BaseKey { get; }
Gets the cell borders formatting.
public CellBorderCollection Borders { get; }
Gets the character formatting of the style.
public Font Font { get; }
Gets the default paddings for all cells in the current table.
public CellPadding Padding { get; }
Gets the paragraph formatting of the style.
public ParagraphFormat ParagraphFormat { get; }
Gets the shading that shall be applied to the extents of a table. Similarly to paragraph shading, this shading shall be applied to the contents of the tab up to the table borders, regardless of the presence of text - unlike cell shading, table shading shall include any cell padding. This property shall be superseded by any cell-level shading.
public Shading Shading { get; }
Gets the type of conditional style (portion of table formatting to override).
public TableStyleOverride Type { get; }
Resets to default conditional table style formatting.
public override void ClearFormatting()