Base class for all types of shapes, including Shape and Picture. It also represents currently unsupported shape types such as charts etc.
Derived classes include Shape, Picture, GroupShape, CanvasShape, InkShape.
public class ShapeBase : ContentObject
Gets or sets the alternative text for the shape. This text can be used by assistive technologies or applications that do not display the actual object.
public virtual string AlternativeText { get; set; }
Gets or sets how to interpret color information contained within the shape to achieve a color, black and white, or grayscale rendering of the shape.
This property specifies only the rendering mode applied to the shape; it does not affect how the actual color information is persisted.
public BlackWhiteMode BlackWhiteMode { get; set; }
Gets or sets a value indicating whether this shape is hidden (i.e. present in the document but not visible).
Note that an application can have settings that allow this object to be viewed.
public virtual bool Hidden { get; set; }
Gets the HyperlinkOnAction object specifying hyperlink properties associated with the shape when it is clicked.
public virtual HyperlinkOnAction HyperlinkOnClick { get; }
Gets the HyperlinkOnAction object specifying hyperlink properties associated with the shape when the pointer hovers over it.
public virtual HyperlinkOnAction HyperlinkOnHover { get; }
Gets the unique ID of the current shape in the document.
public virtual uint ID { get; }
Gets or sets the current shape name.
Typically, this is used to store the original file name of the shape.
public virtual string Name { get; set; }
Gets the parent Run of the current shape.
public Run ParentRun { get; }
Gets the ShapePosition object that contains properties for positioning the current anchored shape in the document.
Note that if the current shape is an inline shape, this property has no effect.
public ShapePosition Position { get; }
Gets the ShapeRotation object that contains properties for rotating the current shape in the document.
public ShapeRotation Rotation { get; }
Gets the ShapeSize object that contains properties for sizing the current shape in the document.
public ShapeSize Size { get; }
Gets or sets the title (caption) of the current shape.
public virtual string Title { get; set; }
Gets the WrapFormat object that contains properties for wrapping text around the current shape.
public WrapFormat WrapFormat { get; }