Represents a collection of Row objects.
public class RowCollection : ContentObjectCollection<Row>, IContentList<Row>, IReadOnlyList<Row>, IReadOnlyCollection<Row>, IEnumerable<Row>, IEnumerable
Adds a Row to this collection. The row is added to the end of the last table in the range.
public Row Add()
Adds a Row to this collection. The row is added to the end of the last table in the range.
public Row Add(params string[] texts)
string[]An array of row cell texts. The size of the array determines the number of cells in the row.
Inserts a Row into this collection before a specified row.
public Row Insert(Row before)
RowThe table row before which to insert new row. If null, the new row will be added to the end of the last table in the range.
Inserts a Row into this collection at the specified location.
public Row Insert(string[] texts, InsertLocation location)
string[]An array of row cell texts. The size of the array determines the number of cells in the row.
InsertLocationThe row insert position in the current range.
Inserts a Row into this collection before a specified row.
public Row Insert(string[] texts, Row before)
string[]An array of row cell texts. The size of the array determines the number of cells in the row.
RowThe table row before which to insert new row. If null, the new row will be added to the end of the last table in the range.