Specifies the preset material type to give the final look and feel of an object.
public enum MaterialType
Clear = 12
Clear material.
DarkEdge = 10
Dark edge material.
Flat = 13
Flat material.
LegacyMatte = 0
Legacy matte material.
LegacyMetal = 2
Legacy metal material.
LegacyPlastic = 1
Legacy plastic material.
LegacyWireframe = 3
Legacy wireframe material.
Matte = 4
Matte material.
Metal = 6
Metal material.
Mixed = -2
Mixed material.
NoMaterial = -1
No material.
Plastic = 5
Plastic material.
Powder = 9
Powder material.
SoftEdge = 11
Soft edge material.
SoftMetal = 14
Soft metal material.
TranslucentPowder = 8
Translucent powder material.
WarmMatte = 7
Warm matte material.