Defines a graphics that are expected to be printed at a fixed size and position on a page, regardless of the dimensions of the printed page.
public class WatermarkAnnotation : AnnotationBase, IOwnedObject, IContentItem, IPdfDict
Initializes a new instance of the WatermarkAnnotation class.
public WatermarkAnnotation()
Gets or sets the amount to translate the associated content horizontally, as a percentage of the width of the target media (or if unknown, the width of the page’s MediaBox). 1.0 represents 100% and 0.0 represents 0%. Negative values are not recommended, since they may cause content to be drawn off the page.
public float HorzTranslate { get; set; }
Gets or sets the image if WatermarkAnnotation, if both Text and Image are specified then Image is used as watermark content.
public IImage Image { get; set; }
Gets or sets the matrix used to transform the annotation’s rectangle before rendering.
public Matrix3x2 Matrix { get; set; }
Gets or sets the text of WatermarkAnnotation, if both Text and Image are specified then Image is used as watermark content.
public string Text { get; set; }
Gets or sets the TextFormat object that specifies the formatting of the annotation's text.
Note that this object itself is not persisted in the PDF, just its properties are used to generate the appearance of this watermark annotation.
public TextFormat TextFormat { get; set; }
Gets or sets the amount to translate the associated content vertically, as a percentage of the height of the target media (or if unknown, the height of the page’s MediaBox). 1.0 represents 100% and 0.0 represents 0%. Negative values are not recommended, since they may cause content to be drawn off the page.
public float VertTranslate { get; set; }