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Struct PdfEnum<TEnum>


Represents a PDF enumeration type.

public struct PdfEnum<TEnum> : IEquatable<PdfEnum<TEnum>> where TEnum : struct

Type Parameters

Inherited Members
object.Equals(object, object)
object.ReferenceEquals(object, object)


The PDF Specification defines many properties with values represented by a limited set of predefined values. Such values are stored as PDF name objects, which is very similar to enumerations in C#.

But there are many PDF documents in which some of such properties have arbitrary custom values that are not defined in the PDF specification.

GcPdf uses this struct when processing such values. Where possible, the value is converted to the underlying enumeration type TEnum, otherwise the original string value is preserved.



Initializes a new instance of the PdfEnum<TEnum> struct using a TEnum value.

public PdfEnum(TEnum value)


value TEnum

The TEnum value.


The PDF Specification defines many properties with values represented by a limited set of predefined values. Such values are stored as PDF name objects, which is very similar to enumerations in C#.

But there are many PDF documents in which some of such properties have arbitrary custom values that are not defined in the PDF specification.

GcPdf uses this struct when processing such values. Where possible, the value is converted to the underlying enumeration type TEnum, otherwise the original string value is preserved.


Initializes a new instance of the PdfEnum<TEnum> struct using a PdfName object. The passed PdfName is converted to TEnum if possible.

public PdfEnum(PdfName value)


value PdfName

The string representing a TEnum value.


The PDF Specification defines many properties with values represented by a limited set of predefined values. Such values are stored as PDF name objects, which is very similar to enumerations in C#.

But there are many PDF documents in which some of such properties have arbitrary custom values that are not defined in the PDF specification.

GcPdf uses this struct when processing such values. Where possible, the value is converted to the underlying enumeration type TEnum, otherwise the original string value is preserved.


Initializes a new instance of the PdfEnum<TEnum> struct using a string. The passed string is converted to TEnum if possible.

public PdfEnum(string value)


value string

The string representing a TEnum value.


The PDF Specification defines many properties with values represented by a limited set of predefined values. Such values are stored as PDF name objects, which is very similar to enumerations in C#.

But there are many PDF documents in which some of such properties have arbitrary custom values that are not defined in the PDF specification.

GcPdf uses this struct when processing such values. Where possible, the value is converted to the underlying enumeration type TEnum, otherwise the original string value is preserved.



Gets the TEnum value defined by this PdfEnum<TEnum>. Throws an exception if this PdfEnum<TEnum> is represented by an unparsed PDF value.

public TEnum EnumValue { get; }

Property Value



The PDF Specification defines many properties with values represented by a limited set of predefined values. Such values are stored as PDF name objects, which is very similar to enumerations in C#.

But there are many PDF documents in which some of such properties have arbitrary custom values that are not defined in the PDF specification.

GcPdf uses this struct when processing such values. Where possible, the value is converted to the underlying enumeration type TEnum, otherwise the original string value is preserved.


Gets a value indicating whether this PdfEnum<TEnum> struct contains a PDF value which cannot be converted to PdfEnum<TEnum>.

public bool IsPdfValue { get; }

Property Value



The PDF Specification defines many properties with values represented by a limited set of predefined values. Such values are stored as PDF name objects, which is very similar to enumerations in C#.

But there are many PDF documents in which some of such properties have arbitrary custom values that are not defined in the PDF specification.

GcPdf uses this struct when processing such values. Where possible, the value is converted to the underlying enumeration type TEnum, otherwise the original string value is preserved.


Gets a value indicating whether this PdfEnum<TEnum> struct contains a string value which cannot be converted to PdfEnum<TEnum>.

[Obsolete("Use IsPdfValue")]
public bool IsString { get; }

Property Value



The PDF Specification defines many properties with values represented by a limited set of predefined values. Such values are stored as PDF name objects, which is very similar to enumerations in C#.

But there are many PDF documents in which some of such properties have arbitrary custom values that are not defined in the PDF specification.

GcPdf uses this struct when processing such values. Where possible, the value is converted to the underlying enumeration type TEnum, otherwise the original string value is preserved.


Gets the PDF value defined by this PdfEnum<TEnum>. Throws an exception if this PdfEnum<TEnum> is represented by a parsed TEnum value.

public PdfName PdfValue { get; }

Property Value



The PDF Specification defines many properties with values represented by a limited set of predefined values. Such values are stored as PDF name objects, which is very similar to enumerations in C#.

But there are many PDF documents in which some of such properties have arbitrary custom values that are not defined in the PDF specification.

GcPdf uses this struct when processing such values. Where possible, the value is converted to the underlying enumeration type TEnum, otherwise the original string value is preserved.



Checks whether this PdfEnum<TEnum> is equal to TEnum value.

public bool Equals(TEnum other)


other TEnum

The TEnum value to compare to.



True if the values are equal, false otherwise.


The PDF Specification defines many properties with values represented by a limited set of predefined values. Such values are stored as PDF name objects, which is very similar to enumerations in C#.

But there are many PDF documents in which some of such properties have arbitrary custom values that are not defined in the PDF specification.

GcPdf uses this struct when processing such values. Where possible, the value is converted to the underlying enumeration type TEnum, otherwise the original string value is preserved.


Checks whether this PdfEnum<TEnum> is equal to another PdfEnum<TEnum>.

public bool Equals(PdfEnum<TEnum> other)


other PdfEnum<TEnum>

The PdfEnum<TEnum> value to compare to.



True if the values are equal, false otherwise.


The PDF Specification defines many properties with values represented by a limited set of predefined values. Such values are stored as PDF name objects, which is very similar to enumerations in C#.

But there are many PDF documents in which some of such properties have arbitrary custom values that are not defined in the PDF specification.

GcPdf uses this struct when processing such values. Where possible, the value is converted to the underlying enumeration type TEnum, otherwise the original string value is preserved.

Equals(PdfEnum<TEnum>?, TEnum?)

Returns true if nullable PdfEnum<TEnum> equals to nullable TEnum value.

public static bool Equals(PdfEnum<TEnum>? v1, TEnum? v2)


v1 PdfEnum<TEnum>?
v2 TEnum?




The PDF Specification defines many properties with values represented by a limited set of predefined values. Such values are stored as PDF name objects, which is very similar to enumerations in C#.

But there are many PDF documents in which some of such properties have arbitrary custom values that are not defined in the PDF specification.

GcPdf uses this struct when processing such values. Where possible, the value is converted to the underlying enumeration type TEnum, otherwise the original string value is preserved.


public override bool Equals(object obj)


obj object




The PDF Specification defines many properties with values represented by a limited set of predefined values. Such values are stored as PDF name objects, which is very similar to enumerations in C#.

But there are many PDF documents in which some of such properties have arbitrary custom values that are not defined in the PDF specification.

GcPdf uses this struct when processing such values. Where possible, the value is converted to the underlying enumeration type TEnum, otherwise the original string value is preserved.


Returns the EnumValue if IsString is false, defValue otherwise.

public TEnum GetEnumValue(TEnum defValue)


defValue TEnum

The default value if this PdfEnum<TEnum> has no enumeration value.



EnumValue if IsString is false, defValue otherwise.


The PDF Specification defines many properties with values represented by a limited set of predefined values. Such values are stored as PDF name objects, which is very similar to enumerations in C#.

But there are many PDF documents in which some of such properties have arbitrary custom values that are not defined in the PDF specification.

GcPdf uses this struct when processing such values. Where possible, the value is converted to the underlying enumeration type TEnum, otherwise the original string value is preserved.


public override int GetHashCode()




The PDF Specification defines many properties with values represented by a limited set of predefined values. Such values are stored as PDF name objects, which is very similar to enumerations in C#.

But there are many PDF documents in which some of such properties have arbitrary custom values that are not defined in the PDF specification.

GcPdf uses this struct when processing such values. Where possible, the value is converted to the underlying enumeration type TEnum, otherwise the original string value is preserved.


public override string ToString()




The PDF Specification defines many properties with values represented by a limited set of predefined values. Such values are stored as PDF name objects, which is very similar to enumerations in C#.

But there are many PDF documents in which some of such properties have arbitrary custom values that are not defined in the PDF specification.

GcPdf uses this struct when processing such values. Where possible, the value is converted to the underlying enumeration type TEnum, otherwise the original string value is preserved.


operator ==(PdfEnum<TEnum>, PdfEnum<TEnum>)

Equality operator.

public static bool operator ==(PdfEnum<TEnum> v1, PdfEnum<TEnum> v2)


v1 PdfEnum<TEnum>
v2 PdfEnum<TEnum>




The PDF Specification defines many properties with values represented by a limited set of predefined values. Such values are stored as PDF name objects, which is very similar to enumerations in C#.

But there are many PDF documents in which some of such properties have arbitrary custom values that are not defined in the PDF specification.

GcPdf uses this struct when processing such values. Where possible, the value is converted to the underlying enumeration type TEnum, otherwise the original string value is preserved.

implicit operator PdfEnum<TEnum>(TEnum)

Converts a TEnum value to PdfEnum<TEnum>.

public static implicit operator PdfEnum<TEnum>(TEnum value)


value TEnum

The value to convert.




The PDF Specification defines many properties with values represented by a limited set of predefined values. Such values are stored as PDF name objects, which is very similar to enumerations in C#.

But there are many PDF documents in which some of such properties have arbitrary custom values that are not defined in the PDF specification.

GcPdf uses this struct when processing such values. Where possible, the value is converted to the underlying enumeration type TEnum, otherwise the original string value is preserved.

implicit operator TEnum(PdfEnum<TEnum>)

Converts a PdfEnum<TEnum> value to TEnum.

public static implicit operator TEnum(PdfEnum<TEnum> value)


value PdfEnum<TEnum>

The value to convert.




The PDF Specification defines many properties with values represented by a limited set of predefined values. Such values are stored as PDF name objects, which is very similar to enumerations in C#.

But there are many PDF documents in which some of such properties have arbitrary custom values that are not defined in the PDF specification.

GcPdf uses this struct when processing such values. Where possible, the value is converted to the underlying enumeration type TEnum, otherwise the original string value is preserved.

operator !=(PdfEnum<TEnum>, PdfEnum<TEnum>)

Inequality operator.

public static bool operator !=(PdfEnum<TEnum> v1, PdfEnum<TEnum> v2)


v1 PdfEnum<TEnum>
v2 PdfEnum<TEnum>




The PDF Specification defines many properties with values represented by a limited set of predefined values. Such values are stored as PDF name objects, which is very similar to enumerations in C#.

But there are many PDF documents in which some of such properties have arbitrary custom values that are not defined in the PDF specification.

GcPdf uses this struct when processing such values. Where possible, the value is converted to the underlying enumeration type TEnum, otherwise the original string value is preserved.