(Showing Draft Content)


Class Page


Represents a page in a GcPdfDocument.

public class Page : PdfDictWrapper, IContentItem, IPdfDict
Inherited Members
object.Equals(object, object)
object.ReferenceEquals(object, object)
Extension Methods



Gets the list annotations associated with the current page.

public AnnotationCollection Annotations { get; }

Property Value



Gets or sets the tab order to be used for annotations on the page.

public AnnotationsTabsOrder? AnnotationsTabsOrder { get; set; }

Property Value



Gets or sets a rectangle, in points, defining the extent of the page's meaningful content (including potential white space) as intended by the page's creator. Default value is CropBox.

public RectangleF? ArtBox { get; set; }

Property Value



Gets the list of ArticleBead objects displayed on this page.

public PageArticleBeadCollection ArticleBeads { get; }

Property Value



Gets the list of embedded files associated with this page.

public AssociatedFiles AssociatedFiles { get; }

Property Value



Gets or sets a rectangle, in points, defining the region to which the contents of the page should be clipped when output in a production environment. Default value is CropBox.

public RectangleF? BleedBox { get; set; }

Property Value



Gets the bounds of the current page in points. The return value is the same as returned by MediaBox.

public RectangleF Bounds { get; }

Property Value



Gets the PageContentStreamCollection containing content streams representing content of this page.

Note that while manipulating the ContentStreams collection (inserting, removing or moving elements) is allowed, the result of such manipulations may produce an invalid PDF if the original document was created or modified by a tool other than GcPdf. Generally speaking, it is safe to insert new content streams at the first position in the collection, or add them to the end of it, provided any content in the new stream(s) was created by rendering on GetGraphics(Page). Any other operations on this collection in documents that were not created by GcPdf might yield invalid PDFs.

public PageContentStreamCollection ContentStreams { get; }

Property Value



Gets or sets a rectangle, in points, defining the visible region of default user space. When the page is displayed or printed, its contents are to be clipped (cropped) to this rectangle and then imposed on the output medium in some implementation-defined manner. Default value is MediaBox.

public RectangleF? CropBox { get; set; }

Property Value



Gets the GcPdfDocument object owning this object.

public GcPdfDocument Doc { get; }

Property Value



Gets an instance of GcPdfGraphics that can be used to draw on the current page, graphics created from the last page content stream, if ContentStreams collection is empty then new PageContentStream automatically added.

public GcPdfGraphics Graphics { get; }

Property Value



Gets the index of the page in its document.

public int Index { get; }

Property Value



Gets or sets a value indicating whether the current page has landscape orientation.

public bool Landscape { get; set; }

Property Value



Gets or sets the bounds of the page in points.

public RectangleF MediaBox { get; set; }

Property Value



Gets the PageCollection collection containing this Page.

public PageCollection Owner { get; }

Property Value



Gets or sets the paper kind of the current page.

public PaperKind PaperKind { get; set; }

Property Value



Gets the IPdfDict object defining page-piece dictionary associated with the page.

public IPdfDict PieceInfo { get; }

Property Value



Gets or sets the number of degrees by which the page should be rotated clockwise when displayed or printed. The value must be a multiple of 90. Default value: 0.

public int Rotate { get; set; }

Property Value



Gets or sets the size of the current page in points.

This property is a wrapper around MediaBox or CropBox properties. If CropBox is not null then this property gets or sets its value, otherwise it gets or sets the value of MediaBox.

public SizeF Size { get; set; }

Property Value



Gets or sets an arbitrary application-defined object associated with the current page.

public object Tag { get; set; }

Property Value



Gets or sets the page’s display duration (also called its advance timing): the maximum length of time, in seconds, that the page shall be displayed during presentations before the viewer application shall automatically advance to the next page Default: null (the viewer shall not advance automatically).

public float? TransitionDuration { get; set; }

Property Value



Gets or sets the TransitionEffect object describing the transition effect that shall be used when displaying the page during presentations

public TransitionEffect TransitionEffect { get; set; }

Property Value



Gets or sets a rectangle, in points, defining the intended dimensions of the finished page after trimming Default value is CropBox.

public RectangleF? TrimBox { get; set; }

Property Value



Gets or sets a positive number greater than 1 giving the size of default user space units, in multiples of 1/72 inch.

Default value: 1.0 (user unit is 1/72 inch).

public float UserUnit { get; set; }

Property Value



As of December 2018, it seems that only Adobe Acrobat readers respect this property.


AdjustCoordinates(Quadrilateral, bool, float, float)

Converts specified visual coordinates (usually in the coordinate system with the origin in the top left corner of the page and the Y axis going down, see fromBottomLeft) to coordinates that take into account Rotate, CropBox and MediaBox (if CropBox is not specified) values.

This method should be used when positioning annotations or destinations on a page. Do not use this method when drawing on Graphics.

public Quadrilateral AdjustCoordinates(Quadrilateral value, bool fromBottomLeft = false, float deviceDpiX = 72, float deviceDpiY = 72)


value Quadrilateral

The Quadrilateral to adjust.

fromBottomLeft bool

If true, the source coordinates' origin is in the bottom left corner of the page with Y axis going up (by default it is in the top left corner with Y axis going down).

deviceDpiX float

The horizontal device resolution.

deviceDpiY float

The vertical device resolution.



The adjusted Quadrilateral.

AdjustCoordinates(PointF, bool, float, float)

Converts specified visual coordinates (usually in the coordinate system with the origin in the top left corner of the page and the Y axis going down, see fromBottomLeft) to coordinates that take into account Rotate, CropBox and MediaBox (if CropBox is not specified) values.

This method should be used when positioning annotations or destinations on a page. Do not use this method when drawing on Graphics.

public PointF AdjustCoordinates(PointF value, bool fromBottomLeft = false, float deviceDpiX = 72, float deviceDpiY = 72)


value System.Drawing.PointF

The System.Drawing.PointF to convert.

fromBottomLeft bool

If true, the source coordinates' origin is in the bottom left corner of the page with Y axis going up (by default it is in the top left corner with Y axis going down).

deviceDpiX float

The horizontal device resolution.

deviceDpiY float

The vertical device resolution.



The adjusted System.Drawing.PointF.

AdjustCoordinates(RectangleF, bool, float, float)

Converts specified visual coordinates (usually in the coordinate system with the origin in the top left corner of the page and the Y axis going down, see fromBottomLeft) to coordinates that take into account Rotate, CropBox and MediaBox (if CropBox is not specified) values.

This method should be used when positioning annotations or destinations on a page. Do not use this method when drawing on Graphics.

public RectangleF AdjustCoordinates(RectangleF value, bool fromBottomLeft = false, float deviceDpiX = 72, float deviceDpiY = 72)


value System.Drawing.RectangleF

The System.Drawing.RectangleF to adjust.

fromBottomLeft bool

If true, the source coordinates' origin is in the bottom left corner of the page with Y axis going up (by default it is in the top left corner with Y axis going down).

deviceDpiX float

The horizontal device resolution.

deviceDpiY float

The vertical device resolution.



The adjusted System.Drawing.RectangleF.

DeleteText(FindTextParams, DeleteTextMode)

Deletes a specified text from the current page.

public void DeleteText(FindTextParams findTextParams, DeleteTextMode mode)


findTextParams FindTextParams

The text to search for.

mode DeleteTextMode

The text delete mode.

DeleteText(ViewState, TextMapFragment, DeleteTextMode)

Deletes the specified text range from the current page.

public void DeleteText(ViewState viewState, TextMapFragment fragment, DeleteTextMode mode)


viewState ViewState

The ViewState used to determine what document content should be considered.

fragment TextMapFragment

The text range.

mode DeleteTextMode

The text delete mode.

DeleteText(TextMapFragment, DeleteTextMode)

Deletes the specified text range from the current page.

public void DeleteText(TextMapFragment fragment, DeleteTextMode mode)


fragment TextMapFragment

The text range.

mode DeleteTextMode

The text delete mode.

Draw(GcGraphics, RectangleF, ViewState, bool, bool, RenderingCache, bool)

Draws the page on a GcGraphics.

public void Draw(GcGraphics graphics, RectangleF bounds, ViewState viewState, bool drawAnnotations = true, bool drawFormFields = true, RenderingCache renderingCache = null, bool ignoreErrors = true)


graphics GcGraphics

The GcGraphics on which to draw the page.

bounds System.Drawing.RectangleF

The draw bounds.

viewState ViewState

The ViewState used to determine what document content would be considered.

drawAnnotations bool

Indicates whether to draw the annotations.

drawFormFields bool

Indicates whether to draw the form fields.

renderingCache RenderingCache

The RenderingCache object used to cache objects created during rendering.

ignoreErrors bool

Indicates whether to ignore errors in PDF content stream during rendering.

Draw(GcGraphics, RectangleF, bool, bool, RenderingCache, bool, bool)

Draws the page on a GcGraphics.

public void Draw(GcGraphics graphics, RectangleF bounds, bool drawAnnotations = true, bool drawFormFields = true, RenderingCache renderingCache = null, bool print = false, bool ignoreErrors = true)


graphics GcGraphics

The GcGraphics on which to draw the page.

bounds System.Drawing.RectangleF

The draw bounds.

drawAnnotations bool

Indicates whether to draw the annotations.

drawFormFields bool

Indicates whether to draw the form fields.

renderingCache RenderingCache

The RenderingCache object used to cache objects created during rendering.

print bool

Indicates whether the image is generated for printing.

ignoreErrors bool

Indicates whether to ignore errors in PDF content stream during rendering.

DrawAnnotations(GcGraphics, RectangleF, RenderingCache)

Draws all page annotations on a GcGraphics.

public void DrawAnnotations(GcGraphics graphics, RectangleF bounds, RenderingCache renderingCache = null)


graphics GcGraphics

The GcGraphics on which to draw the annotations.

bounds System.Drawing.RectangleF

The draw bounds.

renderingCache RenderingCache

The RenderingCache object used to cache objects created during rendering.

DrawAnnotations(GcGraphics, RectangleF, IList<AnnotationBase>, ViewState, RenderingCache, bool)

Draws specified annotations on a GcGraphics.

Note that the specified annotations must belong to the current page.

public void DrawAnnotations(GcGraphics graphics, RectangleF bounds, IList<AnnotationBase> annotations, ViewState viewState, RenderingCache renderingCache = null, bool ignoreErrors = true)


graphics GcGraphics

The GcGraphics on which to draw the annotations.

bounds System.Drawing.RectangleF

The draw bounds.

annotations System.Collections.Generic.IList<T><AnnotationBase>

The list of annotations to draw.

viewState ViewState

The ViewState object.

renderingCache RenderingCache

The RenderingCache object used to cache objects created during rendering.

ignoreErrors bool

Indicates whether to ignore errors in PDF content stream during rendering.

DrawAnnotations(GcGraphics, RectangleF, IList<AnnotationBase>, RenderingCache, bool)

Draws specified annotations on a GcGraphics.

Note that the specified annotations must belong to the current page.

public void DrawAnnotations(GcGraphics graphics, RectangleF bounds, IList<AnnotationBase> annotations, RenderingCache renderingCache = null, bool ignoreErrors = true)


graphics GcGraphics

The GcGraphics on which to draw the annotations.

bounds System.Drawing.RectangleF

The draw bounds.

annotations System.Collections.Generic.IList<T><AnnotationBase>

The list of annotations to draw.

renderingCache RenderingCache

The RenderingCache object used to cache objects created during rendering.

ignoreErrors bool

Indicates whether to ignore errors in PDF content stream during rendering.

GetImages(float, float, bool)

Gets the list of images on this page.

public IList<PdfImageInfo> GetImages(float dpiX, float dpiY, bool ignoreErrors)


dpiX float

The horizontal resolution used to calculate the bounds of images on the page.

dpiY float

The vertical resolution used to calculate the bounds of images on the page.

ignoreErrors bool

Indicates whether to ignore errors in PDF during processing.



The list of images on the current page.

GetImages(float, float)

Gets the list of images on this page.

public IList<PdfImageInfo> GetImages(float dpiX = 72, float dpiY = 72)


dpiX float

The horizontal resolution used to calculate the bounds of images on the page.

dpiY float

The vertical resolution used to calculate the bounds of images on the page.



The list of images on the current page.


Returns the page label specified via PageLabelingRange, returns empty string if page does not belong to document.

public string GetLabel()



The page label.

GetOperators(ViewState, float, float, bool)

Returns the list of PDF operators forming the page content.

public OperatorList GetOperators(ViewState viewState = null, float dpiX = 72, float dpiY = 72, bool ignoreErrors = true)


viewState ViewState

The ViewState used to determine what document content would be considered.

dpiX float

The horizontal resolution.

dpiY float

The vertical resolution.

ignoreErrors bool

Indicates whether to ignore errors in PDF content stream during rendering.



The OperatorList object.


Gets the PageLabelingRange object that specifies the label of this page, or null if no such range exists.

public PageLabelingRange GetPageLabelingRange()



The PageLabelingRange that corresponds to this page.

GetRenderSize(float, float)

Gets the size of the page on a device with specified horizontal and vertical resolutions.

public SizeF GetRenderSize(float deviceDpiX = 72, float deviceDpiY = 72)


deviceDpiX float

The horizontal device resolution.

deviceDpiY float

The vertical device resolution.




Gets a System.IO.Stream containing the content of this Page.


  1. The stream returned by this method should be disposed after use.
  2. This method can return null if the current page is empty.
  3. In sequential generate mode this method is not supported and will throw an exception.
public Stream GetStream()



A stream with the current page's content.

GetTable(RectangleF, ViewState, TableExtractOptions, float, float, bool)

Tries to recognize a table within specified bounds, if the table is found returns an object that allows accessing the table's rows, columns and cells.

public ITable GetTable(RectangleF bounds, ViewState viewState, TableExtractOptions options = null, float dpiX = 72, float dpiY = 72, bool ignoreErrors = true)


bounds System.Drawing.RectangleF

The bounds within which to look for a table.

viewState ViewState

The ViewState object.

options TableExtractOptions

The table extraction options.

dpiX float

The horizontal resolution. This determines the unit of measurement used by horizontal values in options.

dpiY float

The vertical resolution. This determines the unit of measurement used by vertical values in options.

ignoreErrors bool

Indicates whether to ignore errors in PDF content streams.



The ITable object containing information about the table, or null if no table could be found within the specified bounds.

GetTable(RectangleF, TableExtractOptions, float, float, bool)

Tries to recognize a table within specified bounds, if the table is found returns an object that allows accessing the table's rows, columns and cells.

public ITable GetTable(RectangleF bounds, TableExtractOptions options = null, float dpiX = 72, float dpiY = 72, bool ignoreErrors = true)


bounds System.Drawing.RectangleF

The bounds within which to look for a table.

options TableExtractOptions

The table extraction options.

dpiX float

The horizontal resolution. This determines the unit of measurement used by horizontal values in options.

dpiY float

The vertical resolution. This determines the unit of measurement used by vertical values in options.

ignoreErrors bool

Indicates whether to ignore errors in PDF content streams.



The ITable object containing information about the table, or null if no table could be found within the specified bounds.

GetText(ViewState, bool)

Retrieves all text on the current page.

public string GetText(ViewState viewState, bool ignoreErrors = true)


viewState ViewState

The ViewState object.

ignoreErrors bool

Indicates whether to ignore errors in PDF content stream during processing.



The page text, or null if the page does not contain any text.


Retrieves all text on the current page.

public string GetText(bool ignoreErrors = true)


ignoreErrors bool

Indicates whether to ignore errors in PDF content stream during processing.



The page text, or null if the page does not contain any text.

GetTextMap(ViewState, bool, float, float, bool)

Builds and returns a text map for the current page.

Note that the X/Y resolutions of pixels used by the text map's methods and properties are the X/Y resolutions passed to this method (dpiX and dpiY).

Note also that the current value of the RecognitionAlgorithm property affects the map that is created.

public ITextMap GetTextMap(ViewState viewState, bool includeTextPosition, float dpiX = 72, float dpiY = 72, bool ignoreErrors = true)


viewState ViewState

The ViewState object.

includeTextPosition bool

Indicates whether to include information about text positions in content stream. This must be true to enable using the map's DeleteText(TextMapFragment, DeleteTextMode) or ReplaceText(TextMapFragment, string, Font, float?) methods. If those methods are not going to be used, pass false to improve speed/memory usage of the text map.

dpiX float

The horizontal resolution of the map (the default is 72dpi).

dpiY float

The vertical resolution of the map (the default is 72dpi).

ignoreErrors bool

Indicates whether to ignore errors in PDF content streams during rendering.



An ITextMap object containing the page text map.

GetTextMap(ViewState, float, float, bool)

Builds and returns a text map for the current page.

Note that the X/Y resolutions of pixels used by the text map's methods and properties are the X/Y resolutions passed to this method (dpiX and dpiY).

Note also that the current value of the RecognitionAlgorithm property affects the map that is created.

public ITextMap GetTextMap(ViewState viewState, float dpiX = 72, float dpiY = 72, bool ignoreErrors = true)


viewState ViewState

The ViewState object.

dpiX float

The horizontal resolution of the map (the default is 72dpi).

dpiY float

The vertical resolution of the map (the default is 72dpi).

ignoreErrors bool

Indicates whether to ignore errors in PDF content streams during rendering.



An ITextMap object containing the page text map.

GetTextMap(bool, float, float, bool)

Builds and returns a text map for the current page.

Note that the X/Y resolutions of pixels used by the text map's methods and properties are the X/Y resolutions passed to this method (dpiX and dpiY).

Note also that the current value of the RecognitionAlgorithm property affects the map that is created.

public ITextMap GetTextMap(bool includeTextPosition, float dpiX = 72, float dpiY = 72, bool ignoreErrors = true)


includeTextPosition bool

Indicates whether to include information about text positions in content stream. This must be true to enable using the map's DeleteText(TextMapFragment, DeleteTextMode) or ReplaceText(TextMapFragment, string, Font, float?) methods. If those methods are not going to be used, pass false to improve speed/memory usage of the text map.

dpiX float

The horizontal resolution of the map (the default is 72dpi).

dpiY float

The vertical resolution of the map (the default is 72dpi).

ignoreErrors bool

Indicates whether to ignore errors in PDF content streams during rendering.



An ITextMap object containing the page text map.

GetTextMap(float, float, bool)

Builds and returns a text map for the current page.

Note that the X/Y resolutions of pixels used by the text map's methods and properties are the X/Y resolutions passed to this method (dpiX and dpiY).

Note also that the current value of the RecognitionAlgorithm property affects the map that is created.

public ITextMap GetTextMap(float dpiX = 72, float dpiY = 72, bool ignoreErrors = true)


dpiX float

The horizontal resolution of the map (the default is 72dpi).

dpiY float

The vertical resolution of the map (the default is 72dpi).

ignoreErrors bool

Indicates whether to ignore errors in PDF content streams during rendering.



An ITextMap object containing the page text map.


Gets the list of fonts referenced from content streams on this page.

public ICollection<Font> GetUsedFonts()



The list of fonts referenced from this page.

GetUserToDeviceMatrix(float, float, bool)

Returns the matrix used to convert coordinates in content stream of this page to device coordinates.

public Matrix3x2 GetUserToDeviceMatrix(float deviceDpiX, float deviceDpiY, bool ignoreRotate = false)


deviceDpiX float

The horizontal device resolution.

deviceDpiY float

The vertical device resolution.

ignoreRotate bool

Indicates whether to ignore rotation specified for page with Rotate property.



RemoveLayersContent(params OptionalContentGroup[])

Removes the content associated with specified PDF layers.

Note that if any content was removed from a page by this method, all remaining content on that page will be merged into a single content stream, and the ContentStreams collection will contain just that single element.

public void RemoveLayersContent(params OptionalContentGroup[] layers)


layers OptionalContentGroup[]

The array of OptionalContentGroup objects.

ReplaceText(FindTextParams, string, Font, float?)

Replaces a specified text on the current page.

Note that the results may be affected by the current value of the RecognitionAlgorithm property.

public void ReplaceText(FindTextParams findTextParams, string newText, Font font = null, float? fontSize = null)


findTextParams FindTextParams

The text to search for.

newText string

The replacement text.

font Font

The font to use on newText, if null the current font will be used.

fontSize float?

The font size to use on newText, if null the current font size will be used.

ReplaceText(ViewState, TextMapFragment, string, Font, float?)

Replaces a specified text range on the current page.

public void ReplaceText(ViewState viewState, TextMapFragment fragment, string newText, Font font = null, float? fontSize = null)


viewState ViewState

The ViewState used to determine what document content should be considered.

fragment TextMapFragment

The text range.

newText string

The replacement text.

font Font

The font to use on newText, if null the current font will be used.

fontSize float?

The font size to use on newText, if null the current font size will be used.

ReplaceText(TextMapFragment, string, Font, float?)

Replaces a specified text range on the current page.

public void ReplaceText(TextMapFragment fragment, string newText, Font font = null, float? fontSize = null)


fragment TextMapFragment

The text range.

newText string

The replacement text.

font Font

The font to use on newText, if null the current font will be used.

fontSize float?

The font size to use on newText, if null the current font size will be used.

SaveAsBmp(Stream, ViewState, SaveAsImageOptions)

Saves the page as an image to a stream in BMP format.

public void SaveAsBmp(Stream stream, ViewState viewState, SaveAsImageOptions options = null)


stream System.IO.Stream

The output stream.

viewState ViewState

The document view state.

options SaveAsImageOptions

The SaveAsImageOptions object.

SaveAsBmp(Stream, SaveAsImageOptions)

Saves the page as an image to a stream in BMP format.

public void SaveAsBmp(Stream stream, SaveAsImageOptions options = null)


stream System.IO.Stream

The output stream.

options SaveAsImageOptions

The SaveAsImageOptions object.

SaveAsBmp(string, ViewState, SaveAsImageOptions)

Saves the page as an image to a file in BMP format.

public void SaveAsBmp(string filePath, ViewState viewState, SaveAsImageOptions options = null)


filePath string

The output file path.

viewState ViewState

The document view state.

options SaveAsImageOptions

The SaveAsImageOptions object.

SaveAsBmp(string, SaveAsImageOptions)

Saves the page as an image to a file in BMP format.

public void SaveAsBmp(string filePath, SaveAsImageOptions options = null)


filePath string

The output file path.

options SaveAsImageOptions

The SaveAsImageOptions object.

SaveAsGif(Stream, ViewState, SaveAsImageOptions)

Saves the page as an image to a stream in GIF format.

public void SaveAsGif(Stream stream, ViewState viewState, SaveAsImageOptions options = null)


stream System.IO.Stream

The output stream.

viewState ViewState

The document view state.

options SaveAsImageOptions

The SaveAsImageOptions object.

SaveAsGif(Stream, SaveAsImageOptions)

Saves the page as an image to a stream in GIF format.

public void SaveAsGif(Stream stream, SaveAsImageOptions options = null)


stream System.IO.Stream

The output stream.

options SaveAsImageOptions

The SaveAsImageOptions object.

SaveAsGif(string, ViewState, SaveAsImageOptions)

Saves the page as an image to a file in GIF format.

public void SaveAsGif(string filePath, ViewState viewState, SaveAsImageOptions options = null)


filePath string

The output file path.

viewState ViewState

The document view state.

options SaveAsImageOptions

The SaveAsImageOptions object.

SaveAsGif(string, SaveAsImageOptions)

Saves the page as an image to a file in GIF format.

public void SaveAsGif(string filePath, SaveAsImageOptions options = null)


filePath string

The output file path.

options SaveAsImageOptions

The SaveAsImageOptions object.

SaveAsJpeg(Stream, ViewState, SaveAsImageOptions)

Saves the page as an image to a stream in JPEG format.

public void SaveAsJpeg(Stream stream, ViewState viewState, SaveAsImageOptions options = null)


stream System.IO.Stream

The output stream.

viewState ViewState

The document view state.

options SaveAsImageOptions

The SaveAsImageOptions object.

SaveAsJpeg(Stream, SaveAsImageOptions)

Saves the page as an image to a stream in JPEG format.

public void SaveAsJpeg(Stream stream, SaveAsImageOptions options = null)


stream System.IO.Stream

The output stream.

options SaveAsImageOptions

The SaveAsImageOptions object.

SaveAsJpeg(string, ViewState, SaveAsImageOptions)

Saves the page as an image to a file in JPEG format.

public void SaveAsJpeg(string filePath, ViewState viewState, SaveAsImageOptions options = null)


filePath string

The output file path.

viewState ViewState

The document view state.

options SaveAsImageOptions

The SaveAsImageOptions object.

SaveAsJpeg(string, SaveAsImageOptions)

Saves the page as an image to a file in JPEG format.

public void SaveAsJpeg(string filePath, SaveAsImageOptions options = null)


filePath string

The output file path.

options SaveAsImageOptions

The SaveAsImageOptions object.

SaveAsPng(Stream, ViewState, SaveAsImageOptions)

Saves the page as an image to a stream in PNG format.

public void SaveAsPng(Stream stream, ViewState viewState, SaveAsImageOptions options = null)


stream System.IO.Stream

The output stream.

viewState ViewState

The document view state.

options SaveAsImageOptions

The SaveAsImageOptions object.

SaveAsPng(Stream, SaveAsImageOptions)

Saves the page as an image to a stream in PNG format.

public void SaveAsPng(Stream stream, SaveAsImageOptions options = null)


stream System.IO.Stream

The output stream.

options SaveAsImageOptions

The SaveAsImageOptions object.

SaveAsPng(string, ViewState, SaveAsImageOptions)

Saves the page as an image to a file in PNG format.

public void SaveAsPng(string filePath, ViewState viewState, SaveAsImageOptions options = null)


filePath string

The output file path.

viewState ViewState

The document view state.

options SaveAsImageOptions

The SaveAsImageOptions object.

SaveAsPng(string, SaveAsImageOptions)

Saves the page as an image to a file in PNG format.

public void SaveAsPng(string filePath, SaveAsImageOptions options = null)


filePath string

The output file path.

options SaveAsImageOptions

The SaveAsImageOptions object.

SaveAsSvg(Stream, ViewState, SaveAsImageOptions, XmlWriterSettings)

Saves the page to a stream in SVG format.

public void SaveAsSvg(Stream stream, ViewState viewState, SaveAsImageOptions options = null, XmlWriterSettings xmlSettings = null)


stream System.IO.Stream

The output stream.

viewState ViewState

The document view state.

options SaveAsImageOptions

The SaveAsImageOptions object.

xmlSettings System.Xml.XmlWriterSettings

The output XML formatting settings.

SaveAsSvg(Stream, SaveAsImageOptions, XmlWriterSettings)

Saves the page to a stream in SVG format.

public void SaveAsSvg(Stream stream, SaveAsImageOptions options = null, XmlWriterSettings xmlSettings = null)


stream System.IO.Stream

The output stream.

options SaveAsImageOptions

The SaveAsImageOptions object.

xmlSettings System.Xml.XmlWriterSettings

The output XML formatting settings.

SaveAsSvg(string, ViewState, SaveAsImageOptions, XmlWriterSettings)

Saves the page to a file in SVG format.

public void SaveAsSvg(string filePath, ViewState viewState, SaveAsImageOptions options = null, XmlWriterSettings xmlSettings = null)


filePath string

The output file path.

viewState ViewState

The document view state.

options SaveAsImageOptions

The SaveAsImageOptions object.

xmlSettings System.Xml.XmlWriterSettings

The output XML formatting settings.

SaveAsSvg(string, SaveAsImageOptions, XmlWriterSettings)

Saves the page to a file in SVG format.

public void SaveAsSvg(string filePath, SaveAsImageOptions options = null, XmlWriterSettings xmlSettings = null)


filePath string

The output file path.

options SaveAsImageOptions

The SaveAsImageOptions object.

xmlSettings System.Xml.XmlWriterSettings

The output XML formatting settings.

SaveAsTiff(Stream, ViewState, SaveAsImageOptions, TiffFrameSettings)

Saves the page as an image to a stream in TIFF format.

public void SaveAsTiff(Stream stream, ViewState viewState, SaveAsImageOptions options = null, TiffFrameSettings frameSettings = null)


stream System.IO.Stream

The output stream.

viewState ViewState

The document view state.

options SaveAsImageOptions

The SaveAsImageOptions object.

frameSettings TiffFrameSettings

Frame settings that are used for encoding the TIFF frame.

SaveAsTiff(Stream, SaveAsImageOptions, TiffFrameSettings)

Saves the page as an image to a stream in TIFF format.

public void SaveAsTiff(Stream stream, SaveAsImageOptions options = null, TiffFrameSettings frameSettings = null)


stream System.IO.Stream

The output stream.

options SaveAsImageOptions

The SaveAsImageOptions object.

frameSettings TiffFrameSettings

Frame settings that are used for encoding the TIFF frame.

SaveAsTiff(string, ViewState, SaveAsImageOptions, TiffFrameSettings)

Saves the page as an image to a file in TIFF format.

public void SaveAsTiff(string filePath, ViewState viewState, SaveAsImageOptions options = null, TiffFrameSettings frameSettings = null)


filePath string

The output file path.

viewState ViewState

The document view state.

options SaveAsImageOptions

The SaveAsImageOptions object.

frameSettings TiffFrameSettings

Frame settings that are used for encoding the TIFF frame.

SaveAsTiff(string, SaveAsImageOptions, TiffFrameSettings)

Saves the page as an image to a file in TIFF format.

public void SaveAsTiff(string filePath, SaveAsImageOptions options = null, TiffFrameSettings frameSettings = null)


filePath string

The output file path.

options SaveAsImageOptions

The SaveAsImageOptions object.

frameSettings TiffFrameSettings

Frame settings that are used for encoding the TIFF frame.

ToSvgz(ViewState, SaveAsImageOptions)

Saves the page to a byte array in SVGZ format.

public byte[] ToSvgz(ViewState viewState, SaveAsImageOptions options = null)


viewState ViewState

The document view state.

options SaveAsImageOptions

The SaveAsImageOptions object.




Saves the page to a byte array in SVGZ format.

public byte[] ToSvgz(SaveAsImageOptions options = null)


options SaveAsImageOptions

The SaveAsImageOptions object.

