Represents an annotation that displays text or graphics intended to look as if they were stamped on the page with a rubber stamp.
public class StampAnnotation : MarkupAnnotation, IOwnedObject, IContentItem, IPdfDict
Initializes a new instance of the StampAnnotation class.
public StampAnnotation()
Gets or sets the border width.
public float BorderWidth { get; set; }
Gets or sets the format which should be used to display CreationDate.
public string CreationDateFormat { get; set; }
Gets or sets a font to draw the stamp.
public Font Font { get; set; }
Gets or sets a string specifying the name of an icon used to display the annotation.
The PDF specification provides a predefined set of icons, those are provided by the StampAnnotationIcon enumeration.
In practice though this entry often contains names of custom icons specific to the application that created the document, hence this property is a string so it can accommodate arbitrary values.
To assign a predefined icon, use code like the following:Icon = StampAnnotationIcon.Approved.ToString();
public string Icon { get; set; }
Gets the angle, in degrees, by which the stamp is rotated. Positive values indicate counterclockwise rotation.
public float RotationAngle { get; }
Gets or sets a value indicating whether to show CreationDate on the stamp.
public bool ShowCreationDate { get; set; }
Gets or sets a value indicating whether to show UserName on the stamp.
public bool ShowUserName { get; set; }
Rotates the annotation content by the specified angle. Positive values indicate counterclockwise rotation.
Note that the annotation must be added to a document before calling this method.
public void RotateContent(float angleDegrees)
floatThe rotation angle in degrees.