Represents a hypertext link.
public class LinkAnnotation : AnnotationBase, IOwnedObject, IContentItem, IPdfDict
Initializes a new instance of the LinkAnnotation class.
public LinkAnnotation()
Initializes a new instance of the LinkAnnotation class.
public LinkAnnotation(RectangleF rect, ActionBase action)
System.Drawing.RectangleFThe bounds of the LinkAnnotation on the containing page.
ActionBaseThe ActionBase to be activated when the annotation is activated.
Initializes a new instance of the LinkAnnotation class.
public LinkAnnotation(RectangleF rect, DestinationBase dest)
System.Drawing.RectangleFThe bounds of the LinkAnnotation on the containing page.
DestinationBaseThe DestinationBase to be displayed when the annotation is activated.
Gets or sets the ActionBase to be performed when this LinkAnnotation is activated. If both Dest and this property are specified, then this property takes precedence and will be written into the PDF file.
public ActionBase Action { get; set; }
public Border Border { get; set; }
Gets or sets the DestinationBase to be displayed when this LinkAnnotation is activated. If both this property and Action are specified, then Action takes precedence and will be written into the PDF file.
public DestinationBase Dest { get; set; }
Gets or sets the annotation's highlighting mode.
public HighlightingMode Highlighting { get; set; }