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Enum TableTag


Represents tables of an OpenType font.

public enum TableTag


BASE = 1

Baseline data

BaseSubs = 43

Baseline data for extended subset

CBDT = 2

Color bitmap data

CBLC = 3

Color bitmap location data

CFF = 4

Compact Font Format 1.0

CFF2 = 5

Compact Font Format 2.0

cmap = 21

Character to glyph mapping

COLR = 6

Color table layers

CPAL = 7

Color palette table

CpalDraw = 39

Color palette table for drawing

cvt = 22

Control Value Table

EBDT = 8

Embedded bitmap data

EBLC = 9

Embedded bitmap location data

EblcPpem = 41

Glyph IDs and pixels per em for embedded bitmaps.

EBSC = 10

Embedded bitmap scaling data

fpgm = 23

Font program

gasp = 24


GDEF = 11

Glyph definition data

GdefSubs = 44

Glyph definition data for extended subset

glyf = 25

Glyph data for creating font subsets

GlyfDraw = 40

Glyph data for drawing

GPOS = 12

Glyph positioning data

GposSubs = 45

Glyph positioning data for extended subset

GSUB = 13

Glyph substitution data

hdmx = 26

Horizontal device metrics

head = 27

Font header

hhea = 28

Horizontal header

hmtx = 29

Horizontal metrics

JSTF = 14

Justification data

kern = 30


KernSubs = 42

Kerning for extended subset

loca = 31

Index to glyph location

LTSH = 15

Linear threshold data

maxp = 32

Maximum profile

MERG = 16


name = 33

Naming table

OS2 = 17

OS/2 and Windows specific metrics

post = 34

PostScript information

prep = 35

CVT Program

sbix = 36

Standard bitmap graphics

SVG = 18

The SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) table

Unknown = 0

Unspecified table

VDMX = 19

Vertical device metrics

vhea = 37

Vertical Metrics header

vmtx = 38

Vertical Metrics

VORG = 20

Vertical Origin