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Enum InlineObjectFlags


Various flags describing inline objects.

public enum InlineObjectFlags


BreakAfterMask = MayNotBreakAfter | MustBreakAfter

Mask for testing the line-breaking behavior after the inline object.

BreakBeforeMask = MayNotBreakBefore | MustBreakBefore

Mask for testing the line-breaking behavior before the inline object.

CanBreak = 0

Indicates that a line break is allowed before or after the inline object. BreakBeforeMask BreakAfterMask

MayNotBreakAfter = 64

Indicates that there should be no line break after the inline object.

MayNotBreakBefore = 16

Indicates that there should be no line break before the inline object.

MustBreakAfter = 128

Indicates that the line break must happen after the inline object.

MustBreakBefore = 32

Indicates that the line break must happen before the inline object.

None = 0

Indicates that none of the flags are set.

SidewaysInVerticalText = 1

Indicates whether the inline object can appear rotated 90 or -90 degrees.