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Enum FontFlags


Various flags describing the font.

public enum FontFlags


Bold = 128

Characters are emboldened.

BoldItalic = Italic | Bold

Bit mask for Bold and Italic flags.

CannotEmbed = 4

Indicates if the font is prohibited for embedding.

CannotSubset = 8

Indicates if the font can not be serialized as a subset of the source font data.

Collection = 16384

Indicates if the font was loaded from .ttc or .otc font collection.

Compressed = 2

Indicates if the font is in WOFF format.

DisableHinting = 131072

Prevents executing TrueType instructions.

FixedPitch = 16

False if the font is proportionally spaced, True if the font is not proportionally spaced (i.e. monospaced).

HasMathTable = 1048576

For internal use only.

Hollow = 4096

Hollow (outlined) characters, otherwise they are solid.

Italic = 64

Font contains italic or oblique characters, otherwise they are upright.

ItalicOrOblique = Italic | Oblique

Bit mask for Italic and Oblique flags.

LastResort = 8192

If set, indicates that the glyphs encoded in the cmap subtables are simply generic symbolic representations of code point ranges and don’t truly represent support for those code points.

LongOffsets = 524288

For internal use only.

Negative = 2048

Characters have their foreground and background reversed.

NoBitmapCache = 32768

Prevents using bitmap glyph cache and OpenType embedded bitmaps.

NoGlyphInstructions = 65536

Indicates if the TrueType font has no glyph instructions.

None = 0

No flags are set.

Oblique = 256

Font contains oblique characters.

PermissionToEmbedGranted = 262144

Indicates that the developer of the software has obtained explicit permission from the legal owner of the font to embed it in documents produced by the software.

PostScript = 1

Indicates if the font contains PostScript outlines.

RequiredTables = 2097152

For internal use only.

Strikeout = 1024

Characters are overstruck.

Underscore = 512

Characters are underscored.

Vertical = 32

Gets a value indicating if this is a vertical font.