Provides the most general classification of the code point.
public enum GeneralCategory : byte
Cc = 25
C0 or C1 control code.
Cf = 26
Format control character.
Cn = 29
Reserved unassigned code point or a noncharacter.
Co = 28
Private-use character.
Cs = 27
Surrogate code point.
Ll = 1
Lowercase letter.
Lm = 3
Modifier letter.
Lo = 4
Other letters, including syllables and ideographs.
Lt = 2
Digraphic character, with first part uppercase.
Lu = 0
Uppercase letter.
Mc = 6
Spacing combining mark (positive advance width).
Me = 7
Enclosing combining mark.
Mn = 5
Nonspacing combining mark (zero advance width).
Nd = 8
Decimal digit.
Nl = 9
Letterlike numeric character.
No = 10
Numeric character of other type.
Pc = 11
Connecting punctuation mark, like a tie.
Pd = 12
Dash or hyphen punctuation mark.
Pe = 14
Closing punctuation mark (of a pair).
Pf = 16
Final quotation mark.
Pi = 15
Initial quotation mark.
Po = 17
Punctuation mark of other type.
Ps = 13
Opening punctuation mark (of a pair).
Sc = 19
Currency sign.
Sk = 20
Non-letterlike modifier symbol.
Sm = 18
Symbol of mathematical use.
So = 21
Symbol of other type.
Zl = 23
Zp = 24
Zs = 22
Space character (of various non-zero widths).