Contains extension methods for the IPdfNumber interface, allows working with PdfNumber and PdfNumberObject in the same way.
public static class IPdfNumberExt
Converts the IPdfNumber to a double value.
public static double AsDouble(this IPdfNumber pn)
IPdfNumberConverts the IPdfNumber to a float value. Note that this method simply casts the double value to float.
public static float AsFloat(this IPdfNumber pn)
IPdfNumberConverts the IPdfNumber to an integer. Note that this method simply casts the double value to integer.
public static int AsInt(this IPdfNumber pn)
IPdfNumberConverts the IPdfNumber to a long integer. Note that this method simply casts the double value to long integer.
public static long AsLong(this IPdfNumber pn)
IPdfNumberConverts the IPdfNumber to unsigned integer. Note that this method simply casts the double value to unsigned integer.
public static uint AsUInt(this IPdfNumber pn)