Represents a PDF Form XObject.
public class FormXObject : ContentStream, IXObject, IContentItem, IPdfDict
Initializes a new instance of the FormXObject class using a specified page as the source.
Note that Matrix and Bounds properties are automatically adjusted to take into account the UserUnit property of the source page.
public FormXObject(GcPdfDocument doc, Page page)
GcPdfDocumentThe target GcPdfDocument where the new FormXObject will be used.
PageThe source Page the content of which is copied to the FormXObject. The source page can belong to another document.
Initializes a new instance of the FormXObject class.
public FormXObject(GcPdfDocument doc, RectangleF bounds)
GcPdfDocumentThe GcPdfDocument in which the new FormXObject will be used.
System.Drawing.RectangleFThe bounds of the FormXObject.
Gets the list of embedded files associated with this FormXObject.
public AssociatedFiles AssociatedFiles { get; }
Gets or sets the bounds of this FormXObject.
public RectangleF Bounds { get; set; }
Gets the GcPdfDocument owning this object.
public GcPdfDocument Doc { get; }
Gets an instance of GcPdfGraphics that can be used to generate content of this FormXObject.
public GcPdfGraphics Graphics { get; }
Gets a value indicating whether the AssociatedFiles collection is not empty.
public bool HasAssociatedFiles { get; }
Gets or sets an object that specifies the layer to which this FormXObject belongs.
This can be either an OptionalContentGroup or an OptionalContentMembership.
public OptionalContentIdentifier Layer { get; set; }
Gets or sets the System.Numerics.Matrix3x2 that maps form space into user space.
public Matrix3x2 Matrix { get; set; }
Creates a list of FormXObject objects using a specified list of pages as the source.
Note that Matrix and Bounds properties are automatically adjusted to take into account the UserUnit property of the source page.
public static FormXObject[] CreateList(GcPdfDocument doc, IList<Page> pages)
GcPdfDocumentThe target GcPdfDocument where the new FormXObject objects will be used.
System.Collections.Generic.IList<T><Page>The list of the source Page objects. These pages can belong to another document.
The list of created FormXObject objects.
Gets the list of fonts referenced by this FormXObject.
public ICollection<Font> GetUsedFonts()
The list of fonts referenced by this FormXObject.