Collects DirectWrite fonts for using in various GcDXGraphicss.
public class FontCache : IDisposable
Initializes an instance of the FontCache class.
public FontCache()
Initializes an instance of the FontCache class.
public FontCache(Factory1 dwFactory)
Factory1The existing DirectWrite factory, to avoid duplicating factories.
Gets an instance of the Factory1 class.
public Factory1 DWFactory { get; }
Increments the internal reference counter to prevent disposing the auto-created font cache.
public void AddRef()
Clears the font cache.
public void Clear()
Clean up any resources being used.
public void Dispose()
Performs cleanup operations on managed and unmanaged resources.
protected virtual void Dispose(bool disposing)
boolPerforms cleanup operations on unmanaged resources.
protected ~FontCache()
public FontFace GetFontFace(Font font)