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Enum CompositeMode


Specifies the Porter Duff compositing method in which two pixels (source and destination) may contribute to the final color of the pixel.

public enum CompositeMode


BoundedCopy = 2

The source is copied to the destination, excluding the transparent pixels.

Clear = 0

No regions are enabled.

Copy = 1

Only the source will be present.

Destination = 3

Only the destination will be present.

DestinationAtop = 11

Destination which overlaps the source replaces the source. Source is placed elsewhere.

DestinationIn = 7

Destination which overlaps the source, replaces the source.

DestinationOut = 9

Destination is placed, where it falls outside of the source.

DestinationOver = 5

Destination is placed over the source.

Lighter = 13

Display the sum of the source image and destination image.

SourceAtop = 10

Source which overlaps the destination, replaces the destination. Destination is placed elsewhere.

SourceIn = 6

The source that overlaps the destination, replaces the destination.

SourceOut = 8

Source is placed, where it falls outside of the destination.

SourceOver = 4

Source is placed over the destination.

XOR = 12

The non-overlapping regions of source and destination are combined.