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Enum TiffValidationResult


Specifies whether an image can be loaded from TIFF frame and the reason if it can't.

public enum TiffValidationResult


IncompatibleCompressionScheme = 1

CCITT_1D, Group_3_Fax, and Group_4_Fax compression schemes are only supported for SamplesPerPixel = 1 and BitsPerSample = 1.

MissingColorMap = 2

ColorMap is a required field for the RGB_Palette color space.

MoreThanOneSamplePerPixel = 3

The specified color space (WhiteIsZero, BlackIsZero, TransparencyMask, or RGB_Palette) supports only one component (sample) per pixel.

NoStripOffsetsOrByteCounts = 4

StripOffsets or StripByteCounts fields are missing (while TileWidth and TileLength are not defined).

NoTileOffsetsOrByteCounts = 5

TileOffsets or TileByteCounts fields are missing for a tiled TIFF frame.

Success = 0

No problems found. Image can be loaded from a TiffFrame.

TileWidthIsNotMultipleOf16 = 6

TileWidth must be a multiple of 16 (or at least of 8 for GcTiffReader).

UnexpectedBitsPerSample = 7

Unexpected value of the BitsPerSample field.

UnexpectedExtraSamples = 8

Unexpected value of the ExtraSamples field. GcTiffReader supports single associated or unassociated alpha component.

UnsupportedCompressionScheme = 9

TIFF frame's compression scheme is not currently supported in GcTiffReader.

UnsupportedDifferencingPredictor = 10

Differencing Predictor is supported for LZW and Deflate TIFF encoding schemes only.

UnsupportedFillOrder = 11

FillOrder = 2 is only supported for SamplesPerPixel = 1 and BitsPerSample = 1.

UnsupportedIndexedFormat = 12

Indexed images with BitsPerSample other than 4 or 8 are not currently supported in GcTiffReader.

UnsupportedPhotometricInterpretation = 13

The specified color space of the image data is not currently supported in GcTiffReader.

UnsupportedRGBFormat = 14

RGB images with SamplesPerPixel other than 3 or 4 are not currently supported in GcTiffReader.

ZeroSizedFrameTile = 15

Either TileWidth or TileLength are equal to zero for a tiled TIFF frame.

ZeroSizedTiffFrame = 16

TIFF frame has either width or length equal to zero.