Wijmo UI for the Web

The AppView widget is available in v3. If you are running v2.3.4 or earlier, it is not included. You can download v3 here: Downloads.

As one of only two widgets that were created specifically for jQuery Mobile (see also ListView), the wijappview widget is a container UI made up of a menu to the left, and a content page to the right. The content page can contain a header in addition to its content. When the user clicks a menu item, AppView uses AJAX to inject the corresponding content into the DOM content page.

The wijappview widget is contained in the jquery.wijmo.wijappview.js file in Wijmo-Complete.

In this section

Quick Start

Main Elements

AppView Concepts

Markup and Scripting

Note: Check the Version Histories for an outline of new features, improvements, and changes to the Wijmo widgets.

See Also

Getting Started



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