Describes the layout, style, and data of a table cell.
public class TableCell
Gets the index of left column in the cell.
public int ColumnIndex { get; }
Gets the number of columns covered by the cell.
public int ColumnSpan { get; }
Gets the cell's content LayoutRect.
public LayoutRect ContentRect { get; }
Gets or sets a data object associated with the cell.
public object Data { get; set; }
Gets the height of the cell, in graphic units.
public float Height { get; }
Gets the LayoutRect for the table cell.
public LayoutRect Rect { get; }
Gets the index of top row in the cell.
public int RowIndex { get; }
Gets the number of rows covered by the cell.
public int RowSpan { get; }
Gets the cell style.
public CellStyle Style { get; }
Gets the owner TableRenderer.
public TableRenderer Table { get; }
Gets the TextLayout object drawn in the cell.
public TextLayout TextLayout { get; }
Gets the width of the cell, in graphic units.
public float Width { get; }