Specifies the alignment of slanted text within the target rectangle.
public enum SlantedTextAlignment
AboveRotatedInside = 2
Text appears above the rectangle side rotated to the same angle as text. The side below the text is rotated inside the rectangle.
AboveRotatedOutside = 3
Text appears above the rectangle side rotated to the same angle as text. The side below the text is rotated outside the rectangle.
BelowRotatedInside = 0
Text appears below the rectangle side rotated to the same angle as text. The side above the text is rotated inside the rectangle.
BelowRotatedOutside = 1
Text appears below the rectangle side rotated to the same angle as text. The side above the text is rotated outside the rectangle.
CenterInsideOutside = 4
Text appears at the center between the rectangle sides rotated to the same angle as text. The side above the text is rotated inside the rectangle.
CenterOutsideInside = 5
Text appears at the center between the rectangle sides rotated to the same angle as text. The side above the text is rotated outside the rectangle.