Specifies the type of an SVG attribute.
public enum SvgAttributeType
CenterX = 20
The 'cx' attribute.
CenterY = 21
The 'cy' attribute.
Class = 2
The 'class' attribute.
Clip = 12
The 'clip' attribute.
ClipPath = 106
The 'clip-path' attribute.
ClipPathUnits = 107
The 'clipPathUnits' attribute.
ClipRule = 108
The 'clip-rule' attribute.
Color = 74
The 'color' attribute.
Display = 9
The 'display' attribute.
Fill = 75
The 'fill' attribute.
FillOpacity = 77
The 'fill-opacity' attribute.
FillRule = 76
The 'fill-rule' attribute.
FocalRadius = 99
The 'fr' attribute.
FocalX = 97
The 'fx' attribute.
FocalY = 98
The 'fy' attribute.
Font = 37
The 'font' attribute.
FontFamily = 38
The 'font-family' attribute.
FontKerning = 39
The 'font-kerning' attribute.
FontSize = 46
The 'font-size' attribute.
FontSizeAdjust = 47
The 'font-size-adjust' attribute.
FontStretch = 48
The 'font-stretch' attribute.
FontStyle = 49
The 'font-style' attribute.
FontVariant = 45
The 'font-variant' attribute.
FontVariantCaps = 42
The 'font-variant-caps' attribute.
FontVariantEastAsian = 44
The 'font-variant-east-asian' attribute.
FontVariantLigatures = 40
The 'font-variant-ligatures' attribute.
FontVariantNumeric = 43
The 'font-variant-numeric' attribute.
FontVariantPosition = 41
The 'font-variant-position' attribute.
FontWeight = 50
The 'font-weight' attribute.
GlyphOrientationVertical = 64
The 'glyph-orientation-vertical' attribute.
GradientTransform = 95
The 'gradientTransform' attribute.
GradientUnits = 94
The 'gradientUnits' attribute.
Height = 26
The 'height' attribute.
Href = 113
The 'href' attribute.
ID = 1
The 'id' attribute.
ImageRendering = 72
The 'image-rendering' attribute.
Lang = 3
The 'lang' attribute.
LengthAdjust = 52
The 'lengthAdjust' attribute.
LetterSpacing = 54
The 'letter-spacing' attribute.
Marker = 93
The 'marker' attribute.
MarkerEnd = 92
The 'marker-end' attribute.
MarkerHeight = 88
The 'markerHeight' attribute.
MarkerMid = 91
The 'marker-mid' attribute.
MarkerStart = 90
The 'marker-start' attribute.
MarkerUnits = 86
The 'markerUnits' attribute.
MarkerWidth = 87
The 'markerWidth' attribute.
MaxHeight = 30
The 'max-height' attribute.
MaxWidth = 28
The 'max-width' attribute.
MinHeight = 29
The 'min-height' attribute.
MinWidth = 27
The 'min-width' attribute.
Offset = 100
The 'offset' attribute.
Opacity = 10
The 'opacity' attribute.
OrientAngle = 89
The 'orient' attribute.
Overflow = 11
The 'overflow' attribute.
PaintOrder = 73
The 'paint-order' attribute.
PathData = 111
The 'd' attribute.
PathLength = 14
The 'pathLength' attribute.
PatternContentUnits = 104
The 'patternContentUnits' attribute.
PatternTransform = 105
The 'patternTransform' attribute.
PatternUnits = 103
The 'patternUnits' attribute.
Points = 110
The 'points' attribute.
PreserveAspectRatio = 68
The 'preserveAspectRatio' attribute.
Radius = 22
The 'r' attribute.
RadiusX = 31
The 'rx' attribute.
RadiusY = 32
The 'ry' attribute.
RefX = 6
The 'refX' attribute.
RefY = 7
The 'refY' attribute.
ShapeRendering = 70
The 'shape-rendering' attribute.
SpreadMethod = 96
The 'spreadMethod' attribute.
StopColor = 101
The 'stop-color' attribute.
StopOpacity = 102
The 'stop-opacity' attribute.
Stroke = 78
The 'stroke' attribute.
StrokeDashArray = 84
The 'stroke-dasharray' attribute.
StrokeDashOffset = 85
The 'stroke-dashoffset' attribute.
StrokeLineCap = 81
The 'stroke-linecap' attribute.
StrokeLineJoin = 82
The 'stroke-linejoin' attribute.
StrokeMiterLimit = 83
The 'stroke-miterlimit' attribute.
StrokeOpacity = 79
The 'stroke-opacity' attribute.
StrokeWidth = 80
The 'stroke-width' attribute.
SystemLanguage = 5
The 'systemLanguage' attribute.
TextAnchor = 59
The 'text-anchor' attribute.
TextDecoration = 67
The 'text-decoration' attribute.
TextDecorationLine = 65
The 'text-decoration-line' attribute.
TextDecorationStyle = 66
The 'text-decoration-style' attribute.
TextDirection = 60
The 'direction' attribute.
TextDX = 17
The 'dx' attribute of 'text' or 'tspan' elements.
TextDY = 18
The 'dy' attribute of 'text' or 'tspan' elements.
TextLength = 51
The 'textLength' attribute.
TextOrientation = 63
The 'text-orientation' attribute.
TextPathMethod = 56
The 'method' attribute of the 'textPath' element.
TextPathPath = 112
The 'path' attribute of the 'textPath' element.
TextPathSide = 58
The 'side' attribute of the 'textPath' element.
TextPathSpacing = 57
The 'spacing' attribute of the 'textPath' element.
TextPathStartOffset = 55
The 'startOffset' attribute of the 'textPath' element.
TextRendering = 71
The 'text-rendering' attribute.
TextRotate = 19
The 'rotate' attribute of 'text' or 'tspan' elements.
TextX = 15
The 'x' attribute of 'text' or 'tspan' elements.
TextY = 16
The 'y' attribute of 'text' or 'tspan' elements.
Transform = 13
The 'transform' attribute.
UnicodeBidi = 61
The 'unicode-bidi' attribute.
Unknown = 0
Unknown or unsupported attribute.
ViewBox = 69
The 'viewBox' attribute.
Visibility = 8
The 'visibility' attribute.
Width = 25
The 'width' attribute.
WordSpacing = 53
The 'word-spacing' attribute.
WritingMode = 62
The 'writing-mode' attribute.
X = 23
The 'x' attribute.
X1 = 33
The 'x1' attribute.
X2 = 35
The 'x2' attribute.
XLinkHref = 114
The 'xlink:href' attribute.
XmlLang = 4
The 'xml:lang' attribute.
XmlSpace = 109
The 'xml:space' attribute.
Y = 24
The 'y' attribute.
Y1 = 34
The 'y1' attribute.
Y2 = 36
The 'y2' attribute.