PDF "Tz" operator. Set the horizontal scaling, to (scale / 100). Value is a number specifying the percentage of the normal width. Initial value: 100 (normal width).
public class SetTextHorizontalScaling : OperatorBase
Initializes a new instance of the SetTextHorizontalScaling class.
public SetTextHorizontalScaling(float scale)
floatThe value of Scale.
The horizontal scaling value.
public readonly float Scale
Gets the operator's description.
public override string Desc { get; }
Gets the operator's PDF name.
public override string Name { get; }
Determines whether the provided operator is the same as the current operator.
public override bool IsSame(OperatorBase other)
OperatorBaseA OperatorBase object.
true if the provided operator is the same as the current operator; otherwise, false.