Defines the outline node within PDF document.
public class OutlineNode : PdfDictWrapper, IPdfDict, IOwnedObject
Initializes a new instance of the OutlineNode class.
public OutlineNode()
Initializes a new instance of the OutlineNode class.
public OutlineNode(string title, ActionBase action, bool expanded = false)
stringThe title of OutlineNode.
ActionBaseThe ActionBase to be activated when this OutlineNode clicked.
boolThe initial expanded state of OutlineNode.
Initializes a new instance of the OutlineNode class.
public OutlineNode(string title, DestinationBase dest, bool expanded = false)
stringThe title of OutlineNode.
DestinationBaseThe DestinationBase to be activated when this OutlineNode clicked.
boolThe initial expanded state of OutlineNode.
Initializes a new instance of the OutlineNode class.
public OutlineNode(string title)
stringThe title of OutlineNode.
Gets or sets the ActionBase to be performed when this OutlineNode is activated.
public ActionBase Action { get; set; }
Gets the OutlineNodeCollection collection containing child nodes.
public OutlineNodeCollection Children { get; }
Gets or sets the DestinationBase to be displayed when this OutlineNode is activated.
public DestinationBase Dest { get; set; }
Gets the GcPdfDocument owning this object.
public GcPdfDocument Doc { get; }
Gets or sets a value indicating whether this OutlineNode expanded and its child nodes are visible.
public bool Expanded { get; set; }
Gets a value indicating whether Children collection is not empty.
public bool HasChildren { get; }
Gets the OutlineNodeCollection collection containing this object.
public OutlineNodeCollection Owner { get; }
Gets the parent OutlineNode.
public OutlineNode Parent { get; }
Gets or sets the text color of the outline node.
public Color TextColor { get; set; }
Gets or sets the text style of the outline node.
public OutlineNode.FontStyle TextStyle { get; set; }
Gets or sets the title of the outline node.
public string Title { get; set; }