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Enum RotatedTextAlignment


Specifies the alignment of rotated text within the target rectangle.

public enum RotatedTextAlignment


BottomCenter = 5

Centered text is aligned to the bottom of the target rectangle.

BottomLeft = 3

Text appears at the bottom-left corner of the target rectangle.

BottomRight = 4

Text appears at the bottom-right corner of the target rectangle.

MiddleCenter = 8

Text appears at the center of the target rectangle.

MiddleLeft = 6

Text appears at the middle left within the target rectangle.

MiddleRight = 7

Text appears at the middle right within the target rectangle.

TopCenter = 2

Centered text is aligned to the top of the target rectangle.

TopLeft = 0

Text appears at the top-left corner of the target rectangle.

TopRight = 1

Text appears at the top-right corner of the target rectangle.

See Also

DrawRotatedText(TextLayout, int, bool, System.Drawing.RectangleF, RotatedTextAlignment)
MeasureRotatedText(TextLayout, int, bool, System.Drawing.RectangleF, RotatedTextAlignment)