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Class RadialGradientBrush


Represents a radial gradient brush.

public class RadialGradientBrush : Brush
Inherited Members
object.Equals(object, object)
object.ReferenceEquals(object, object)


Note that as of v5.0.0.771, the object model of RadialGradientBrush was expanded to better support radial gradient brushes available on different target graphics platforms (such as PDF, bitmap or SVG). The following new properties are added:

The following properties are still available for backwards compatibility, but are now hidden from IntelliSense and should not be used in new code:
  • GrapeCity.Documents.Drawing.RadialGradientBrush.GradientOrigin
  • GrapeCity.Documents.Drawing.RadialGradientBrush.CoverRectangle
  • GrapeCity.Documents.Drawing.RadialGradientBrush.AllowEllipticGradients
These properties will be marked as obsolete in a future version, and may eventually be removed.



Creates a copy of a RadialGradientBrush object.

public RadialGradientBrush(RadialGradientBrush source)


source RadialGradientBrush


Note that as of v5.0.0.771, the object model of RadialGradientBrush was expanded to better support radial gradient brushes available on different target graphics platforms (such as PDF, bitmap or SVG). The following new properties are added:

The following properties are still available for backwards compatibility, but are now hidden from IntelliSense and should not be used in new code:
  • GrapeCity.Documents.Drawing.RadialGradientBrush.GradientOrigin
  • GrapeCity.Documents.Drawing.RadialGradientBrush.CoverRectangle
  • GrapeCity.Documents.Drawing.RadialGradientBrush.AllowEllipticGradients
These properties will be marked as obsolete in a future version, and may eventually be removed.

RadialGradientBrush(Color, Color, PointF)

Initializes a new instance of the RadialGradientBrush class.

public RadialGradientBrush(Color startColor, Color endColor, PointF centerOfStartCircle)


startColor System.Drawing.Color

The start gradient color.

endColor System.Drawing.Color

The end gradient color.

centerOfStartCircle System.Drawing.PointF

The center of the start circle that defines the beginning of the gradient.


Note that as of v5.0.0.771, the object model of RadialGradientBrush was expanded to better support radial gradient brushes available on different target graphics platforms (such as PDF, bitmap or SVG). The following new properties are added:

The following properties are still available for backwards compatibility, but are now hidden from IntelliSense and should not be used in new code:
  • GrapeCity.Documents.Drawing.RadialGradientBrush.GradientOrigin
  • GrapeCity.Documents.Drawing.RadialGradientBrush.CoverRectangle
  • GrapeCity.Documents.Drawing.RadialGradientBrush.AllowEllipticGradients
These properties will be marked as obsolete in a future version, and may eventually be removed.

RadialGradientBrush(Color, Color)

Initializes a new instance of the RadialGradientBrush class.

public RadialGradientBrush(Color startColor, Color endColor)


startColor System.Drawing.Color

The start gradient color.

endColor System.Drawing.Color

The end gradient color.


Note that as of v5.0.0.771, the object model of RadialGradientBrush was expanded to better support radial gradient brushes available on different target graphics platforms (such as PDF, bitmap or SVG). The following new properties are added:

The following properties are still available for backwards compatibility, but are now hidden from IntelliSense and should not be used in new code:
  • GrapeCity.Documents.Drawing.RadialGradientBrush.GradientOrigin
  • GrapeCity.Documents.Drawing.RadialGradientBrush.CoverRectangle
  • GrapeCity.Documents.Drawing.RadialGradientBrush.AllowEllipticGradients
These properties will be marked as obsolete in a future version, and may eventually be removed.



Gets or sets the center of the end circle that defines the end of the gradient.

(0, 0) is the top-left corner, (1, 1) is the bottom-right corner. The default is (0.5f, 0.5f).

This property only has effect if the RadiusOfEndCircle property is set.

public PointF CenterOfEndCircle { get; set; }

Property Value



Note that as of v5.0.0.771, the object model of RadialGradientBrush was expanded to better support radial gradient brushes available on different target graphics platforms (such as PDF, bitmap or SVG). The following new properties are added:

The following properties are still available for backwards compatibility, but are now hidden from IntelliSense and should not be used in new code:
  • GrapeCity.Documents.Drawing.RadialGradientBrush.GradientOrigin
  • GrapeCity.Documents.Drawing.RadialGradientBrush.CoverRectangle
  • GrapeCity.Documents.Drawing.RadialGradientBrush.AllowEllipticGradients
These properties will be marked as obsolete in a future version, and may eventually be removed.


Gets or sets the center of the start circle that defines the beginning of the gradient.

(0, 0) is the top-left corner, (1, 1) is the bottom-right corner.

If not specified, the center of the start circle coincides with CenterOfEndCircle.

public PointF? CenterOfStartCircle { get; set; }

Property Value



Note that as of v5.0.0.771, the object model of RadialGradientBrush was expanded to better support radial gradient brushes available on different target graphics platforms (such as PDF, bitmap or SVG). The following new properties are added:

The following properties are still available for backwards compatibility, but are now hidden from IntelliSense and should not be used in new code:
  • GrapeCity.Documents.Drawing.RadialGradientBrush.GradientOrigin
  • GrapeCity.Documents.Drawing.RadialGradientBrush.CoverRectangle
  • GrapeCity.Documents.Drawing.RadialGradientBrush.AllowEllipticGradients
These properties will be marked as obsolete in a future version, and may eventually be removed.


Gets or sets the ending gradient color.

public Color EndColor { get; set; }

Property Value



Note that as of v5.0.0.771, the object model of RadialGradientBrush was expanded to better support radial gradient brushes available on different target graphics platforms (such as PDF, bitmap or SVG). The following new properties are added:

The following properties are still available for backwards compatibility, but are now hidden from IntelliSense and should not be used in new code:
  • GrapeCity.Documents.Drawing.RadialGradientBrush.GradientOrigin
  • GrapeCity.Documents.Drawing.RadialGradientBrush.CoverRectangle
  • GrapeCity.Documents.Drawing.RadialGradientBrush.AllowEllipticGradients
These properties will be marked as obsolete in a future version, and may eventually be removed.


Gets or sets a value indicating whether to extend gradient beyond the end circle.

This property only has effect if the RadiusOfEndCircle property is set.

The default is true.

public bool ExtendEndCircle { get; set; }

Property Value



Note that as of v5.0.0.771, the object model of RadialGradientBrush was expanded to better support radial gradient brushes available on different target graphics platforms (such as PDF, bitmap or SVG). The following new properties are added:

The following properties are still available for backwards compatibility, but are now hidden from IntelliSense and should not be used in new code:
  • GrapeCity.Documents.Drawing.RadialGradientBrush.GradientOrigin
  • GrapeCity.Documents.Drawing.RadialGradientBrush.CoverRectangle
  • GrapeCity.Documents.Drawing.RadialGradientBrush.AllowEllipticGradients
These properties will be marked as obsolete in a future version, and may eventually be removed.


Gets or sets a value indicating whether to extend the gradient beyond the start circle.

This property only has effect if the RadiusOfEndCircle property is set.

The default is true.

public bool ExtendStartCircle { get; set; }

Property Value



Note that as of v5.0.0.771, the object model of RadialGradientBrush was expanded to better support radial gradient brushes available on different target graphics platforms (such as PDF, bitmap or SVG). The following new properties are added:

The following properties are still available for backwards compatibility, but are now hidden from IntelliSense and should not be used in new code:
  • GrapeCity.Documents.Drawing.RadialGradientBrush.GradientOrigin
  • GrapeCity.Documents.Drawing.RadialGradientBrush.CoverRectangle
  • GrapeCity.Documents.Drawing.RadialGradientBrush.AllowEllipticGradients
These properties will be marked as obsolete in a future version, and may eventually be removed.


Gets or sets the collection of gradient stops.

public IList<GradientStop> GradientStops { get; set; }

Property Value



Note that as of v5.0.0.771, the object model of RadialGradientBrush was expanded to better support radial gradient brushes available on different target graphics platforms (such as PDF, bitmap or SVG). The following new properties are added:

The following properties are still available for backwards compatibility, but are now hidden from IntelliSense and should not be used in new code:
  • GrapeCity.Documents.Drawing.RadialGradientBrush.GradientOrigin
  • GrapeCity.Documents.Drawing.RadialGradientBrush.CoverRectangle
  • GrapeCity.Documents.Drawing.RadialGradientBrush.AllowEllipticGradients
These properties will be marked as obsolete in a future version, and may eventually be removed.


Gets or sets a value indicating whether to normalize the brush ensuring that it renders in the same way on all supported target graphics (such as PDF, bitmap or SVG).

  • If true, and the focal point is outside the end circle, it is moved to be on the end circle.
  • If false, the focal point position is not adjusted if it is outside the end circle, and the result will depend on the implementation of the target GcGraphics.

The default is true.

public bool Normalize { get; set; }

Property Value



Note that as of v5.0.0.771, the object model of RadialGradientBrush was expanded to better support radial gradient brushes available on different target graphics platforms (such as PDF, bitmap or SVG). The following new properties are added:

The following properties are still available for backwards compatibility, but are now hidden from IntelliSense and should not be used in new code:
  • GrapeCity.Documents.Drawing.RadialGradientBrush.GradientOrigin
  • GrapeCity.Documents.Drawing.RadialGradientBrush.CoverRectangle
  • GrapeCity.Documents.Drawing.RadialGradientBrush.AllowEllipticGradients
These properties will be marked as obsolete in a future version, and may eventually be removed.


Gets or sets the radius of the end circle that defines the end of the gradient, as a fraction of the normalized diagonal. The normalized diagonal length is calculated as sqrt(width² + height²) / sqrt(2).

Setting this property to a non-null value enables the following properties:

And the following properties are ignored if this property has a value:
  • GrapeCity.Documents.Drawing.RadialGradientBrush.CoverRectangle
  • GrapeCity.Documents.Drawing.RadialGradientBrush.AllowEllipticGradients
public float? RadiusOfEndCircle { get; set; }

Property Value



Note that as of v5.0.0.771, the object model of RadialGradientBrush was expanded to better support radial gradient brushes available on different target graphics platforms (such as PDF, bitmap or SVG). The following new properties are added:

The following properties are still available for backwards compatibility, but are now hidden from IntelliSense and should not be used in new code:
  • GrapeCity.Documents.Drawing.RadialGradientBrush.GradientOrigin
  • GrapeCity.Documents.Drawing.RadialGradientBrush.CoverRectangle
  • GrapeCity.Documents.Drawing.RadialGradientBrush.AllowEllipticGradients
These properties will be marked as obsolete in a future version, and may eventually be removed.


Gets or sets the radius of the start circle that defines the beginning of the gradient, as a fraction of the normalized diagonal. The normalized diagonal length is calculated as sqrt(width² + height²) / sqrt(2).

This property only has effect if the RadiusOfEndCircle property is set.

The default is 0.

public float RadiusOfStartCircle { get; set; }

Property Value



Note that as of v5.0.0.771, the object model of RadialGradientBrush was expanded to better support radial gradient brushes available on different target graphics platforms (such as PDF, bitmap or SVG). The following new properties are added:

The following properties are still available for backwards compatibility, but are now hidden from IntelliSense and should not be used in new code:
  • GrapeCity.Documents.Drawing.RadialGradientBrush.GradientOrigin
  • GrapeCity.Documents.Drawing.RadialGradientBrush.CoverRectangle
  • GrapeCity.Documents.Drawing.RadialGradientBrush.AllowEllipticGradients
These properties will be marked as obsolete in a future version, and may eventually be removed.


Gets or sets the starting gradient color.

public Color StartColor { get; set; }

Property Value



Note that as of v5.0.0.771, the object model of RadialGradientBrush was expanded to better support radial gradient brushes available on different target graphics platforms (such as PDF, bitmap or SVG). The following new properties are added:

The following properties are still available for backwards compatibility, but are now hidden from IntelliSense and should not be used in new code:
  • GrapeCity.Documents.Drawing.RadialGradientBrush.GradientOrigin
  • GrapeCity.Documents.Drawing.RadialGradientBrush.CoverRectangle
  • GrapeCity.Documents.Drawing.RadialGradientBrush.AllowEllipticGradients
These properties will be marked as obsolete in a future version, and may eventually be removed.


Gets a value indicating whether the brush is actually visible.

public override bool Visible { get; }

Property Value



Note that as of v5.0.0.771, the object model of RadialGradientBrush was expanded to better support radial gradient brushes available on different target graphics platforms (such as PDF, bitmap or SVG). The following new properties are added:

The following properties are still available for backwards compatibility, but are now hidden from IntelliSense and should not be used in new code:
  • GrapeCity.Documents.Drawing.RadialGradientBrush.GradientOrigin
  • GrapeCity.Documents.Drawing.RadialGradientBrush.CoverRectangle
  • GrapeCity.Documents.Drawing.RadialGradientBrush.AllowEllipticGradients
These properties will be marked as obsolete in a future version, and may eventually be removed.



Returns a value indicating whether brush uses semi-transparent colors.

public bool AreSemitransparentColorsUsed()




Note that as of v5.0.0.771, the object model of RadialGradientBrush was expanded to better support radial gradient brushes available on different target graphics platforms (such as PDF, bitmap or SVG). The following new properties are added:

The following properties are still available for backwards compatibility, but are now hidden from IntelliSense and should not be used in new code:
  • GrapeCity.Documents.Drawing.RadialGradientBrush.GradientOrigin
  • GrapeCity.Documents.Drawing.RadialGradientBrush.CoverRectangle
  • GrapeCity.Documents.Drawing.RadialGradientBrush.AllowEllipticGradients
These properties will be marked as obsolete in a future version, and may eventually be removed.


Returns True if the specified brush is the same as the current brush.

protected override bool SameBrush(Brush brush)


brush Brush




Note that as of v5.0.0.771, the object model of RadialGradientBrush was expanded to better support radial gradient brushes available on different target graphics platforms (such as PDF, bitmap or SVG). The following new properties are added:

The following properties are still available for backwards compatibility, but are now hidden from IntelliSense and should not be used in new code:
  • GrapeCity.Documents.Drawing.RadialGradientBrush.GradientOrigin
  • GrapeCity.Documents.Drawing.RadialGradientBrush.CoverRectangle
  • GrapeCity.Documents.Drawing.RadialGradientBrush.AllowEllipticGradients
These properties will be marked as obsolete in a future version, and may eventually be removed.