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Release Notes for Version 5.0.3

Breaking Changes from the Previous Release

  • In GcExcel v5.0.2 and earlier, in order to create an empty Filter with no condition, user had to create a filter with condition first, and then clear the condition. With v5.0.3 onwards, IRange.AutoFilter and IRange.AutoFilter(Field) method behavior has changed. These methods will create empty filter with no condition in the worksheet. No other code needed to set empty filter condition.

Enhancements from the Previous Release

  • Added SerializationOptions.IgnoreSheets property to export a workbook without worksheet data.
  • Added IWorksheet.ToJson(Stream stream) method to export individual worksheets to a JSON stream.

Resolved Issues

  • Resolved an issue where formulas were losing in exported Excel file
  • Resolved an issue where ToJson method generated invalid JSON file when Excel file was having multi-line comments
  • Resolved an issue where incorrect cell value was there when evaluating formula using GcExcel.
  • Resolved an issue where cell style was incorrect in exported Excel file after loading the JSON exported by SpreadJS.
  • Resolved an issue in which an exception was thrown on calling workbook.toJson() method.
  • Resolved an issue of performance degradation when evaluating values from the particular Excel file.
  • Resolved an issue where formula result of SUBSTITUTE was incorrect.