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Release Notes for Version 4.2.0

Enhancements from the Previous Release

The following features have been added with this version of the product:

  • Dynamic Array Formulas along with the new functions:
    • FILTER
    • SINGLE
    • SORT
    • SORTBY
    • UNIQUE
  • Support for new Calc Engine functions:
    • ASC
    • DBCS
    • JIS
    • XMATCH
  • External workbook links from the web.
  • Document properties for workbook.
  • Retrieve the row and column grouping information.
  • Copy hidden rows to new range.
  • Control the size of the exported json file.
  • Support for margin settings for text in a shape.
  • Expand or Collapse grouped items in a Pivot Table.
  • More features for SpreadJS integration: RowCount or ColumnCount, get URL of a picture, Pivot Table for json I/O, etc.

Resolved Issues

The following issues have been resolved since the last release.

  • NullReference exception is thrown while adding a row in a table.
  • When MarkerStyle.None is set for ISeries.MarkerStyle, the chart is not exported correctly in Excel.
  • When a JSON file is opened and exported to another JSON file, the picture floating object is lost.
  • Exported xlsx file does not meet the OpenXml standard if it contains a picture shape.
  • Exception is thrown on saving an Excel file.
  • When the pagebreak of template properties is set as true, page breaks are added before the field
  • Dynamic array formula does not generate the correct value.
  • Exception is thrown on opening a JSON file.
  • Exception is thrown on calling the 'ToJson' method.