
public final class Reference extends Object implements Cloneable
Represents a reference in formula.
  • 字段详细资料

  • 构造器详细资料

    • Reference

      public Reference()
  • 方法详细资料

    • getWorkbook

      public WorkbookReference getWorkbook()
      Gets or sets the external workbook reference. The default value is null.
    • setWorkbook

      public void setWorkbook(WorkbookReference value)
      Gets or sets the external workbook reference. The default value is null.
    • getWorksheetName

      public String getWorksheetName()
      The name of the worksheet.
    • setWorksheetName

      public void setWorksheetName(String value)
      The name of the worksheet.
    • getLastWorksheetName

      public String getLastWorksheetName()
      The name of the end worksheet of the 3D reference.
    • setLastWorksheetName

      public void setLastWorksheetName(String value)
      The name of the end worksheet of the 3D reference.
    • getHasRow

      public boolean getHasRow()
      Gets or sets whether the reference has row. The default value is true.
    • setHasRow

      public void setHasRow(boolean value)
      Gets or sets whether the reference has row. The default value is true.
    • getHasColumn

      public boolean getHasColumn()
      Indicates whether the reference has column. The default value is true.
    • setHasColumn

      public void setHasColumn(boolean value)
      Indicates whether the reference has column. The default value is true.
    • getRow

      public int getRow()
      Gets or sets the 0-based row index. The default value is 0.
    • setRow

      public void setRow(int value)
      Gets or sets the 0-based row index. The default value is 0.
    • getColumn

      public int getColumn()
      Gets or sets the 0-based column index. The default value is 0.
    • setColumn

      public void setColumn(int value)
      Gets or sets the 0-based column index. The default value is 0.
    • getLastRow

      public int getLastRow()
      Gets or sets the 0-based end row index. The default value is 0.
    • setLastRow

      public void setLastRow(int value)
      Gets or sets the 0-based end row index. The default value is 0.
    • getLastColumn

      public int getLastColumn()
      Gets or sets the end column index. The default value is 0.
    • setLastColumn

      public void setLastColumn(int value)
      Gets or sets the end column index. The default value is 0.
    • getIsRowRelative

      public boolean getIsRowRelative()
      Gets or sets whether the row is relative. The default value is true.
    • setIsRowRelative

      public void setIsRowRelative(boolean value)
      Gets or sets whether the row is relative. The default value is true.
    • getIsColumnRelative

      public boolean getIsColumnRelative()
      Gets or sets whether the column is relative. The default value is true.
    • setIsColumnRelative

      public void setIsColumnRelative(boolean value)
      Gets or sets whether the column is relative. The default value is true.
    • getIsLastRowRelative

      public boolean getIsLastRowRelative()
      Gets or sets whether the last row is absolute. The default value is true.
    • setIsLastRowRelative

      public void setIsLastRowRelative(boolean value)
      Gets or sets whether the last row is absolute. The default value is true.
    • getIsLastColumnRelative

      public boolean getIsLastColumnRelative()
      Gets or sets whether the last column is relative. The default value is true.
    • setIsLastColumnRelative

      public void setIsLastColumnRelative(boolean value)
      Gets or sets whether the last column is relative. The default value is true.
    • getIsRange

      public boolean getIsRange()
      Gets or sets whether the reference is range. The default value is false.
    • setIsRange

      public void setIsRange(boolean value)
      Gets or sets whether the reference is range. The default value is false.
    • getIsError

      public boolean getIsError()
      Gets or sets whether the reference contains error. The default value is false.
    • setIsError

      public void setIsError(boolean value)
      Gets or sets whether the reference contains error. The default value is false.
    • toString

      public String toString()
      Converts the reference to A1 string.
      toString 在类中 Object
    • toString

      public String toString(UnParseContext context)
      Converts the reference to string.
      context - The parse options.
    • equals

      public boolean equals(Object obj)
      Equality comparison for late binding.
      equals 在类中 Object
      obj - Another reference.
    • equals

      public boolean equals(Reference other)
      Equality comparison.
      other - Another reference.
    • hashCode

      public int hashCode()
      This object doesn't support getting hash code, because all fields are mutable.
      hashCode 在类中 Object
      The hash code of the current type.
    • clone

      public Reference clone()
      Copy the reference.
      clone 在类中 Object