Enum Class PresetTexture

Serializable, Comparable<PresetTexture>, Constable

public enum PresetTexture extends Enum<PresetTexture>
Specifies texture to be used to fill a shape.
  • 枚举常量详细资料

    • Papyrus

      public static final PresetTexture Papyrus
      Specifies the papyrus texture.
    • Canvas

      public static final PresetTexture Canvas
      Specifies the canvas texture.
    • Denim

      public static final PresetTexture Denim
      Specifies the denim texture.
    • WovenMat

      public static final PresetTexture WovenMat
      Specifies the woven mat texture.
    • WaterDroplets

      public static final PresetTexture WaterDroplets
      Specifies the water droplets texture.
    • PaperBag

      public static final PresetTexture PaperBag
      Specifies the paper bag texture.
    • FishFossil

      public static final PresetTexture FishFossil
      Specifies the fish fossil texture.
    • Sand

      public static final PresetTexture Sand
      Specifies the sand texture.
    • GreenMarble

      public static final PresetTexture GreenMarble
      Specifies the green marble texture.
    • WhiteMarble

      public static final PresetTexture WhiteMarble
      Specifies the white marble texture.
    • BrownMarble

      public static final PresetTexture BrownMarble
      Specifies the brown marble texture.
    • Granite

      public static final PresetTexture Granite
      Specifies the granite texture.
    • Newsprint

      public static final PresetTexture Newsprint
      Specifies the newsprint texture.
    • RecycledPaper

      public static final PresetTexture RecycledPaper
      Specifies the recycled paper texture.
    • Parchment

      public static final PresetTexture Parchment
      Specifies the parchment texture.
    • Stationery

      public static final PresetTexture Stationery
      Specifies the stationery texture.
    • BlueTissuePaper

      public static final PresetTexture BlueTissuePaper
      Specifies the blue tissue paper texture
    • PinkTissuePaper

      public static final PresetTexture PinkTissuePaper
      Specifies the pink tissue paper texture.
    • PurpleMesh

      public static final PresetTexture PurpleMesh
      Specifies the purple mesh texture.
    • Bouquet

      public static final PresetTexture Bouquet
      Specifies the bouquet texture.
    • Cork

      public static final PresetTexture Cork
      Specifies the cork texture.
    • Walnut

      public static final PresetTexture Walnut
      Specifies the walnut texture.
    • Oak

      public static final PresetTexture Oak
      Specifies the oak texture.
    • MediumWood

      public static final PresetTexture MediumWood
      Specifies the medium wood texture.
    • Mixed

      public static final PresetTexture Mixed
      Used in some special shapes only.
  • 方法详细资料

    • values

      public static PresetTexture[] values()
      Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
      an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared
    • valueOf

      public static PresetTexture valueOf(String name)
      Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name. The string must match exactly an identifier used to declare an enum constant in this class. (Extraneous whitespace characters are not permitted.)
      name - 要返回的枚举常量的名称。
      IllegalArgumentException - if this enum class has no constant with the specified name
      NullPointerException - 如果参数为空值