Enum Class PresetCamera

Serializable, Comparable<PresetCamera>, Constable

public enum PresetCamera extends Enum<PresetCamera>
Indicates the effects camera type used by the specified object.
  • 枚举常量详细资料

    • None

      public static final PresetCamera None
      Specifies a mixed effect.
    • LegacyObliqueTopLeft

      public static final PresetCamera LegacyObliqueTopLeft
      Specifies Legacy Oblique Upper Left
    • LegacyObliqueTop

      public static final PresetCamera LegacyObliqueTop
      Specifies Legacy Oblique Top.
    • LegacyObliqueTopRight

      public static final PresetCamera LegacyObliqueTopRight
      Specifies Legacy Oblique Upper Right.
    • LegacyObliqueLeft

      public static final PresetCamera LegacyObliqueLeft
      Specifies Legacy Oblique Left.
    • LegacyObliqueFront

      public static final PresetCamera LegacyObliqueFront
      Specifies Legacy Oblique Front.
    • LegacyObliqueRight

      public static final PresetCamera LegacyObliqueRight
      Specifies Legacy Oblique Right.
    • LegacyObliqueBottomLeft

      public static final PresetCamera LegacyObliqueBottomLeft
      Specifies Legacy Oblique Lower Left.
    • LegacyObliqueBottom

      public static final PresetCamera LegacyObliqueBottom
      Specifies Legacy Oblique Bottom.
    • LegacyObliqueBottomRight

      public static final PresetCamera LegacyObliqueBottomRight
      Specifies Legacy Oblique Lower Right.
    • LegacyPerspectiveTopLeft

      public static final PresetCamera LegacyPerspectiveTopLeft
      Specifies Legacy Perspective Upper Left.
    • LegacyPerspectiveTop

      public static final PresetCamera LegacyPerspectiveTop
      Specifies Legacy Perspective Top.
    • LegacyPerspectiveTopRight

      public static final PresetCamera LegacyPerspectiveTopRight
      Specifies Legacy Perspective Upper Right.
    • LegacyPerspectiveLeft

      public static final PresetCamera LegacyPerspectiveLeft
      Specifies Legacy Perspective Left.
    • LegacyPerspectiveFront

      public static final PresetCamera LegacyPerspectiveFront
      Specifies Legacy Perspective Front.
    • LegacyPerspectiveRight

      public static final PresetCamera LegacyPerspectiveRight
      Specifies Legacy Perspective Right.
    • LegacyPerspectiveBottomLeft

      public static final PresetCamera LegacyPerspectiveBottomLeft
      Specifies Legacy Perspective Lower Left.
    • LegacyPerspectiveBottom

      public static final PresetCamera LegacyPerspectiveBottom
      Specifies Legacy Perspective Bottom.
    • LegacyPerspectiveBottomRight

      public static final PresetCamera LegacyPerspectiveBottomRight
      Specifies Legacy Perspective Lower Right.
    • OrthographicFront

      public static final PresetCamera OrthographicFront
      Specifies Orthographic Front.
    • IsometricTopUp

      public static final PresetCamera IsometricTopUp
      Specifies Isometric Top Up.
    • IsometricTopDown

      public static final PresetCamera IsometricTopDown
      Specifies Isometric Top Down.
    • IsometricBottomUp

      public static final PresetCamera IsometricBottomUp
      Specifies Isometric Bottom Up.
    • IsometricBottomDown

      public static final PresetCamera IsometricBottomDown
      Specifies Isometric Bottom Down.
    • IsometricLeftUp

      public static final PresetCamera IsometricLeftUp
      Specifies Isometric Left Up.
    • IsometricLeftDown

      public static final PresetCamera IsometricLeftDown
      Specifies Isometric Left Down.
    • IsometricRightUp

      public static final PresetCamera IsometricRightUp
      Specifies Isometric Right Up.
    • IsometricRightDown

      public static final PresetCamera IsometricRightDown
      Specifies Isometric Right Down.
    • IsometricOffAxis1Left

      public static final PresetCamera IsometricOffAxis1Left
      Specifies Isometric OffAxis1 Left.
    • IsometricOffAxis1Right

      public static final PresetCamera IsometricOffAxis1Right
      Specifies Isometric OffAxis1 Right.
    • IsometricOffAxis1Top

      public static final PresetCamera IsometricOffAxis1Top
      Specifies Isometric OffAxis1 Top.
    • IsometricOffAxis2Left

      public static final PresetCamera IsometricOffAxis2Left
      Specifies Isometric OffAxis2 Left.
    • IsometricOffAxis2Right

      public static final PresetCamera IsometricOffAxis2Right
      Specifies Isometric OffAxis2 Right.
    • IsometricOffAxis2Top

      public static final PresetCamera IsometricOffAxis2Top
      Specifies Isometric OffAxis2 Top.
    • IsometricOffAxis3Left

      public static final PresetCamera IsometricOffAxis3Left
      Specifies Isometric OffAxis3 Left.
    • IsometricOffAxis3Right

      public static final PresetCamera IsometricOffAxis3Right
      Specifies Isometric OffAxis3 Right.
    • IsometricOffAxis3Bottom

      public static final PresetCamera IsometricOffAxis3Bottom
      Specifies Isometric OffAxis3 Bottom.
    • IsometricOffAxis4Left

      public static final PresetCamera IsometricOffAxis4Left
      Specifies Isometric OffAxis4 Left.
    • IsometricOffAxis4Right

      public static final PresetCamera IsometricOffAxis4Right
      Specifies Isometric OffAxis4 Right.
    • IsometricOffAxis4Bottom

      public static final PresetCamera IsometricOffAxis4Bottom
      Specifies Isometric OffAxis4 Bottom.
    • ObliqueTopLeft

      public static final PresetCamera ObliqueTopLeft
      Specifies Oblique Upper Left.
    • CameraObliqueTop

      public static final PresetCamera CameraObliqueTop
      Specifies Oblique Top.
    • ObliqueTopRight

      public static final PresetCamera ObliqueTopRight
      Specifies Oblique Upper Right.
    • ObliqueLeft

      public static final PresetCamera ObliqueLeft
      Specifies Oblique Left.
    • ObliqueRight

      public static final PresetCamera ObliqueRight
      Specifies Oblique Right.
    • ObliqueBottomLeft

      public static final PresetCamera ObliqueBottomLeft
      Specifies Oblique Lower Left.
    • ObliqueBottom

      public static final PresetCamera ObliqueBottom
      Specifies Oblique Bottom.
    • ObliqueBottomRight

      public static final PresetCamera ObliqueBottomRight
      Specifies Oblique Lower Right.
    • PerspectiveFront

      public static final PresetCamera PerspectiveFront
      Specifies Perspective Front.
    • PerspectiveLeft

      public static final PresetCamera PerspectiveLeft
      Specifies Perspective Left.
    • PerspectiveRight

      public static final PresetCamera PerspectiveRight
      Specifies Perspective Right.
    • PerspectiveAbove

      public static final PresetCamera PerspectiveAbove
      Specifies Perspective Above.
    • PerspectiveBelow

      public static final PresetCamera PerspectiveBelow
      Specifies Perspective Below.
    • PerspectiveAboveLeftFacing

      public static final PresetCamera PerspectiveAboveLeftFacing
      Specifies Perspective Above Left Facing.
    • PerspectiveAboveRightFacing

      public static final PresetCamera PerspectiveAboveRightFacing
      Specifies Perspective Above Right Facing.
    • PerspectiveContrastingLeftFacing

      public static final PresetCamera PerspectiveContrastingLeftFacing
      Specifies Perspective Contrasting Left Facing.
    • PerspectiveContrastingRightFacing

      public static final PresetCamera PerspectiveContrastingRightFacing
      Specifies Perspective Contrasting Right Facing.
    • PerspectiveHeroicLeftFacing

      public static final PresetCamera PerspectiveHeroicLeftFacing
      Specifies Perspective Heroic Left Facing.
    • PerspectiveHeroicRightFacing

      public static final PresetCamera PerspectiveHeroicRightFacing
      Specifies Perspective Heroic Right Facing.
    • PerspectiveHeroicExtremeLeftFacing

      public static final PresetCamera PerspectiveHeroicExtremeLeftFacing
      Specifies Perspective Heroic Extreme Left Facing.
    • PerspectiveHeroicExtremeRightFacing

      public static final PresetCamera PerspectiveHeroicExtremeRightFacing
      Specifies Perspective Heroic Extreme Right Facing.
    • PerspectiveRelaxed

      public static final PresetCamera PerspectiveRelaxed
      Specifies Perspective Relaxed.
    • PerspectiveRelaxedModerately

      public static final PresetCamera PerspectiveRelaxedModerately
      Specifies Perspective Relaxed Moderately.
  • 方法详细资料

    • values

      public static PresetCamera[] values()
      Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
      an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared
    • valueOf

      public static PresetCamera valueOf(String name)
      Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name. The string must match exactly an identifier used to declare an enum constant in this class. (Extraneous whitespace characters are not permitted.)
      name - 要返回的枚举常量的名称。
      IllegalArgumentException - if this enum class has no constant with the specified name
      NullPointerException - 如果参数为空值