Enum Class PatternType

Serializable, Comparable<PatternType>, Constable

public enum PatternType extends Enum<PatternType>
Specifies the fill pattern used in a shape.
  • 嵌套类概要

    从类继承的嵌套类/接口 java.lang.Enum

    Enum.EnumDesc<E extends Enum<E>>
  • 枚举常量概要

    Specifies to use a cross pattern.
    Specifies to use thick lines in the foreground color running from the top to the right-hand side of the shape.
    Specifies to use thick horizontal lines in the foreground color.
    Specifies to use thick lines in the foreground color running from the top to the left-hand side of the shape.
    Specifies to use thick vertical lines in the foreground color.
    Specifies to use dashed lines in the foreground color running from the top to the right-hand side of the shape.
    Specifies to use dashed horizontal lines in the foreground color.
    Specifies to use dashed lines in the foreground color running from the top to the left-hand side of the shape.
    Specifies to use dashed vertical lines in the foreground color.
    Specifies to use a rectangular brick pattern running diagonally across the shape.
    Specifies to use a diagonal cross pattern.
    Specifies to use small angled shapes in the foreground color running in alternating rows down the shape.
    Specifies to use dotted perpendicular lines in the foreground color running diagonally to form diamonds across the shape.
    Specifies to use dotted perpendicular lines in the foreground color running horizontally and vertically to form grid lines across the shape.
    Specifies to use a downward diagonal pattern.
    Specifies to use a horizontal pattern.
    Specifies to use a rectangular brick pattern running horizontally across the shape.
    Specifies to use squares in alternating foreground or background colors.
    Specifies to use large dots in the foreground color scattered across the shape.
    Specifies to use solid, widely spaced perpendicular lines in the foreground color running horizontally and vertically to form grid lines across the shape.
    Specifies to use thin lines in the foreground color running from the top to the right-hand side of the shape.
    Specifies to use thin horizontal lines in the foreground color.
    Specifies to use thin lines in the foreground color running from the top to the left-hand side of the shape.
    Specifies to use thin vertical lines in the foreground color.
    Mixed pattern
    Specifies to use narrowly spaced horizontal lines in the foreground color.
    Specifies to use narrowly spaced vertical lines in the foreground color.
    Specifies no pattern.
    Specifies to use solid perpendicular lines in the foreground color running diagonally to form diamonds across the shape.
    Specifies to use 10% of the foreground color.
    Specifies to use 20% of the foreground color.
    Specifies to use 25% of the foreground color.
    Specifies to use 30% of the foreground color.
    Specifies to use 40% of the foreground color.
    Specifies to use 5% of the foreground color.
    Specifies to use 50% of the foreground color.
    Specifies to use 60% of the foreground color.
    Specifies to use 70% of the foreground color.
    Specifies to use 75% of the foreground color.
    Specifies to use 80% of the foreground color.
    Specifies to use 90% of the foreground color.
    Specifies to use very thick solid lines in the foreground color running vertically, coupled with very thick lines and 40% of the foreground color running horizontally.
    Specifies to use overlapping curved rectangles running diagonally across the shape.
    Specifies to use small squares in alternating foreground and background colors.
    Specifies to use small dots in the foreground color scattered across the shape.
    Specifies to use solid, closely spaced perpendicular lines in the foreground color running horizontally and vertically to form grid lines across the shape.
    Specifies to use diamond shapes in alternating foreground or background colors.
    Specifies to use circles that use foreground and background colors to make them appear three-dimensional, oriented in rows across the shape.
    Specifies to use a trellis pattern in the foreground color.
    Specifies to use an upward diagonal pattern.
    Specifies to use a vertical pattern.
    Specifies to use wavy lines in the foreground color.
    Specifies to use a weave pattern in the foreground color running diagonally across the shape.
    Specifies to use widely spaced lines in the foreground color running from the top to the right-hand side of the shape.
    Specifies to use widely spaced lines in the foreground color running from the top to the left-hand side of the shape.
    Specifies to use zigzag lines running horizontally across the shape.
  • 方法概要

    Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
    static PatternType[]
    Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.

    从类继承的方法 java.lang.Object

    getClass, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
  • 枚举常量详细资料

    • None

      public static final PatternType None
      Specifies no pattern.
    • Percent5

      public static final PatternType Percent5
      Specifies to use 5% of the foreground color.
    • Percent10

      public static final PatternType Percent10
      Specifies to use 10% of the foreground color.
    • Percent20

      public static final PatternType Percent20
      Specifies to use 20% of the foreground color.
    • Percent25

      public static final PatternType Percent25
      Specifies to use 25% of the foreground color.
    • Percent30

      public static final PatternType Percent30
      Specifies to use 30% of the foreground color.
    • Percent40

      public static final PatternType Percent40
      Specifies to use 40% of the foreground color.
    • Percent50

      public static final PatternType Percent50
      Specifies to use 50% of the foreground color.
    • Percent60

      public static final PatternType Percent60
      Specifies to use 60% of the foreground color.
    • Percent70

      public static final PatternType Percent70
      Specifies to use 70% of the foreground color.
    • Percent75

      public static final PatternType Percent75
      Specifies to use 75% of the foreground color.
    • Percent80

      public static final PatternType Percent80
      Specifies to use 80% of the foreground color.
    • Percent90

      public static final PatternType Percent90
      Specifies to use 90% of the foreground color.
    • DarkHorizontal

      public static final PatternType DarkHorizontal
      Specifies to use thick horizontal lines in the foreground color.
    • DarkVertical

      public static final PatternType DarkVertical
      Specifies to use thick vertical lines in the foreground color.
    • DarkDownwardDiagonal

      public static final PatternType DarkDownwardDiagonal
      Specifies to use thick lines in the foreground color running from the top to the right-hand side of the shape.
    • DarkUpwardDiagonal

      public static final PatternType DarkUpwardDiagonal
      Specifies to use thick lines in the foreground color running from the top to the left-hand side of the shape.
    • SmallCheckerBoard

      public static final PatternType SmallCheckerBoard
      Specifies to use small squares in alternating foreground and background colors.
    • Trellis

      public static final PatternType Trellis
      Specifies to use a trellis pattern in the foreground color.
    • LightHorizontal

      public static final PatternType LightHorizontal
      Specifies to use thin horizontal lines in the foreground color.
    • LightVertical

      public static final PatternType LightVertical
      Specifies to use thin vertical lines in the foreground color.
    • LightDownwardDiagonal

      public static final PatternType LightDownwardDiagonal
      Specifies to use thin lines in the foreground color running from the top to the right-hand side of the shape.
    • LightUpwardDiagonal

      public static final PatternType LightUpwardDiagonal
      Specifies to use thin lines in the foreground color running from the top to the left-hand side of the shape.
    • SmallGrid

      public static final PatternType SmallGrid
      Specifies to use solid, closely spaced perpendicular lines in the foreground color running horizontally and vertically to form grid lines across the shape.
    • DottedDiamond

      public static final PatternType DottedDiamond
      Specifies to use dotted perpendicular lines in the foreground color running diagonally to form diamonds across the shape.
    • WideDownwardDiagonal

      public static final PatternType WideDownwardDiagonal
      Specifies to use widely spaced lines in the foreground color running from the top to the right-hand side of the shape.
    • WideUpwardDiagonal

      public static final PatternType WideUpwardDiagonal
      Specifies to use widely spaced lines in the foreground color running from the top to the left-hand side of the shape.
    • DashedUpwardDiagonal

      public static final PatternType DashedUpwardDiagonal
      Specifies to use dashed lines in the foreground color running from the top to the left-hand side of the shape.
    • DashedDownwardDiagonal

      public static final PatternType DashedDownwardDiagonal
      Specifies to use dashed lines in the foreground color running from the top to the right-hand side of the shape.
    • NarrowVertical

      public static final PatternType NarrowVertical
      Specifies to use narrowly spaced vertical lines in the foreground color.
    • NarrowHorizontal

      public static final PatternType NarrowHorizontal
      Specifies to use narrowly spaced horizontal lines in the foreground color.
    • DashedVertical

      public static final PatternType DashedVertical
      Specifies to use dashed vertical lines in the foreground color.
    • DashedHorizontal

      public static final PatternType DashedHorizontal
      Specifies to use dashed horizontal lines in the foreground color.
    • LargeConfetti

      public static final PatternType LargeConfetti
      Specifies to use large dots in the foreground color scattered across the shape.
    • LargeGrid

      public static final PatternType LargeGrid
      Specifies to use solid, widely spaced perpendicular lines in the foreground color running horizontally and vertically to form grid lines across the shape.
    • HorizontalBrick

      public static final PatternType HorizontalBrick
      Specifies to use a rectangular brick pattern running horizontally across the shape.
    • LargeCheckerBoard

      public static final PatternType LargeCheckerBoard
      Specifies to use squares in alternating foreground or background colors.
    • SmallConfetti

      public static final PatternType SmallConfetti
      Specifies to use small dots in the foreground color scattered across the shape.
    • ZigZag

      public static final PatternType ZigZag
      Specifies to use zigzag lines running horizontally across the shape.
    • SolidDiamond

      public static final PatternType SolidDiamond
      Specifies to use diamond shapes in alternating foreground or background colors.
    • DiagonalBrick

      public static final PatternType DiagonalBrick
      Specifies to use a rectangular brick pattern running diagonally across the shape.
    • OutlinedDiamond

      public static final PatternType OutlinedDiamond
      Specifies to use solid perpendicular lines in the foreground color running diagonally to form diamonds across the shape.
    • Plaid

      public static final PatternType Plaid
      Specifies to use very thick solid lines in the foreground color running vertically, coupled with very thick lines and 40% of the foreground color running horizontally.
    • Sphere

      public static final PatternType Sphere
      Specifies to use circles that use foreground and background colors to make them appear three-dimensional, oriented in rows across the shape.
    • Weave

      public static final PatternType Weave
      Specifies to use a weave pattern in the foreground color running diagonally across the shape.
    • DottedGrid

      public static final PatternType DottedGrid
      Specifies to use dotted perpendicular lines in the foreground color running horizontally and vertically to form grid lines across the shape.
    • Divot

      public static final PatternType Divot
      Specifies to use small angled shapes in the foreground color running in alternating rows down the shape.
    • Shingle

      public static final PatternType Shingle
      Specifies to use overlapping curved rectangles running diagonally across the shape.
    • Wave

      public static final PatternType Wave
      Specifies to use wavy lines in the foreground color.
    • Horizontal

      public static final PatternType Horizontal
      Specifies to use a horizontal pattern.
    • Vertical

      public static final PatternType Vertical
      Specifies to use a vertical pattern.
    • Cross

      public static final PatternType Cross
      Specifies to use a cross pattern.
    • DownwardDiagonal

      public static final PatternType DownwardDiagonal
      Specifies to use a downward diagonal pattern.
    • UpwardDiagonal

      public static final PatternType UpwardDiagonal
      Specifies to use an upward diagonal pattern.
    • DiagonalCross

      public static final PatternType DiagonalCross
      Specifies to use a diagonal cross pattern.
    • Mixed

      public static final PatternType Mixed
      Mixed pattern
  • 方法详细资料

    • values

      public static PatternType[] values()
      Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
      an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared
    • valueOf

      public static PatternType valueOf(String name)
      Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name. The string must match exactly an identifier used to declare an enum constant in this class. (Extraneous whitespace characters are not permitted.)
      name - 要返回的枚举常量的名称。
      IllegalArgumentException - if this enum class has no constant with the specified name
      NullPointerException - 如果参数为空值