接口 ILegend

public interface ILegend
Represents the legend in a chart.
  • 方法详细资料

    • getFont

      IFontFormat getFont()
      Returns the IFontFormat object that represents the font of thespecified object.
    • getFormat

      IChartFormat getFormat()
      Returns the IChartFormat object.
    • getParent

      IChart getParent()
      Returns the parent object for the specified object.
    • getIncludeInLayout

      boolean getIncludeInLayout()
      Gets whether to include a legend in the chart layout (True if a legend will occupy the chart layout space when a chart layout is being determined). The default value is True.
    • setIncludeInLayout

      void setIncludeInLayout(boolean value)
      Sets whether to include a legend in the chart layout (True if a legend will occupy the chart layout space when a chart layout is being determined). The default value is True.
    • getPosition

      LegendPosition getPosition()
      Gets the position of the legend on the chart.
    • setPosition

      void setPosition(LegendPosition value)
      Sets the position of the legend on the chart.
    • getLegendEntries

      ILegendEntries getLegendEntries()
      Returns an object that represents a collection of legend entries for the legend.
    • delete

      void delete()
      Deletes the object.