接口 IChartFormat

public interface IChartFormat
Provides access to the Office Art formatting for chart elements.
  • 方法概要

    Returns the IFillFormat object for the parent chart element thatcontains fill formatting properties for the chart element.
    Returns the ILineFormat object that contains line formattingproperties for the specified chart element.
    Returns the IThreeDFormat object that contains 3-D–effect formattingproperties for the specified chart.
  • 方法详细资料

    • getFill

      IFillFormat getFill()
      Returns the IFillFormat object for the parent chart element thatcontains fill formatting properties for the chart element.
    • getLine

      ILineFormat getLine()
      Returns the ILineFormat object that contains line formattingproperties for the specified chart element.
    • getThreeD

      IThreeDFormat getThreeD()
      Returns the IThreeDFormat object that contains 3-D–effect formattingproperties for the specified chart.