接口 IGS1128
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GS1-128 is a barcode that uses a series of application Identifiers in order to encode data. This barcode makes use of the complete ASCII character set while also using FNC1 character as the first character position.
从接口继承的方法 com.grapecity.documents.excel.IBarcode
getBackgroundColor, getCodeType, getColor, getQuietZoneBottom, getQuietZoneLeft, getQuietZoneRight, getQuietZoneTop, getValue
从接口继承的方法 com.grapecity.documents.excel.IFontOption
getFontFamily, getFontSize, getFontStyle, getFontTextAlign, getFontTextDecoration, getFontWeight
从接口继承的方法 com.grapecity.documents.excel.ILabelOption
getLabelPosition, getShowLabel