接口 IFontOption

ICodabar, ICode128, ICode39, ICode49, ICode93, IEAN13, IEAN8, IGS1128

public interface IFontOption
Font option
  • 方法详细资料

    • getFontFamily

      String getFontFamily()
      A string that represents the label text fontFamily. The default value is 'sans-serif'.
    • getFontStyle

      String getFontStyle()
      A string that represents the label text fontStyle. The default value is 'normal'.
    • getFontWeight

      String getFontWeight()
      A string that represents the label text fontWeight. The default value is 'normal'.
    • getFontTextDecoration

      String getFontTextDecoration()
      A string that represents the label text fontTextDecoration. The default value is 'none'.
    • getFontTextAlign

      String getFontTextAlign()
      A string that represents the label text fontTextAlign. The default value is 'center'.
    • getFontSize

      int getFontSize()
      A string that represents the label text fontSize. The default value is '12px'.