接口 ICommentThreaded

public interface ICommentThreaded
  • 方法概要

    adds a reply to its replies collection if the threaded comment is a top-level comment.
    addReply(String text, String author)
    adds a reply to its replies collection if the threaded comment is a top-level comment.
    Deletes the specified threaded comment and all replies associated with that comment.
    Gets the author object of the threaded comment.
    gets the resolve value.
    Returns a date that represents the date and time that a threaded comment was added in local time.
    Returns the parent object for the specified object.
    returns a CommentsThreaded collection of CommentThreaded objects that are replies if the specified comment.
    Gets the threaded comment's text.
    Returns the ICommentThreaded object that represents the next threaded comment.Returns null if the top-level threaded comment is the last threaded comment on a sheet.
    Returns the ICommentThreaded object that represents the previous threaded comment.Returns null if the top-level threaded comment is the first threaded comment on a sheet.
    setIsResolved(boolean value)
    Makes the threaded comment impossible to edit and reply.
    Sets the threaded comment's text.
  • 方法详细资料

    • addReply

      ICommentThreaded addReply(String text)
      adds a reply to its replies collection if the threaded comment is a top-level comment. If this threaded comment is a reply,it will add a reply to its Parent's replies collection.
      text - the string is content of the reply.
    • addReply

      ICommentThreaded addReply(String text, String author)
      adds a reply to its replies collection if the threaded comment is a top-level comment. If this threaded comment is a reply,it will add a reply to its Parent's replies collection.
      text - the string is content of the reply.
    • delete

      void delete()
      Deletes the specified threaded comment and all replies associated with that comment. If threaded comment is a reply, delete itself from the parent's reply list.
    • setIsResolved

      void setIsResolved(boolean value)
      Makes the threaded comment impossible to edit and reply.
    • getIsResolved

      boolean getIsResolved()
      gets the resolve value.
    • getText

      String getText()
      Gets the threaded comment's text.
    • setText

      void setText(String text)
      Sets the threaded comment's text.
    • getReplies

      ICommentsThreaded getReplies()
      returns a CommentsThreaded collection of CommentThreaded objects that are replies if the specified comment. The replies are sorted by time stamp. If this threaded comment is a reply,returns an empty collection.
    • getAuthor

      IAuthor getAuthor()
      Gets the author object of the threaded comment.
    • getDate

      @Deprecated Date getDate()

      This member is obsolete. Use getLocalDateTime() instead.

      Returns a date that represents the date and time that a threaded comment was added in local time.
    • getLocalDateTime

      LocalDateTime getLocalDateTime()
      Returns a date that represents the date and time that a threaded comment was added in local time.
    • next

      Returns the ICommentThreaded object that represents the next threaded comment.Returns null if the top-level threaded comment is the last threaded comment on a sheet. Returns null if the reply threaded comment is the last reply of a threaded comment's replies.
    • previous

      ICommentThreaded previous()
      Returns the ICommentThreaded object that represents the previous threaded comment.Returns null if the top-level threaded comment is the first threaded comment on a sheet. Returns null if the reply threaded comment is the first reply of a threaded comment's replies.
    • getParent

      ICommentThreaded getParent()
      Returns the parent object for the specified object. The top-level threaded comment's parent is null.