接口 IComment

public interface IComment
Represents a cell comment.
  • 方法详细资料

    • getText

      String getText()
      Gets the comment text.
    • setText

      void setText(String value)
      Sets the comment text.
    • getAuthor

      String getAuthor()
      Gets the author of the comment.
    • getAnchorCell

      IRange getAnchorCell()
      Gets the anchor cell of the comment.
    • delete

      void delete()
      Deletes the object.
    • next

      IComment next()
      Returns the IComment object that represents the next comment.
    • previous

      IComment previous()
      Returns the IComment object that represents the previous comment.
    • getVisible

      boolean getVisible()
      Determines whether the object is visible.
    • setVisible

      void setVisible(boolean value)
      Determines whether the object is visible.
    • getShape

      IShape getShape()
      Returns the IShape object that represents the shape attached to thespecified comment.
    • fromJson

      void fromJson(String json)
      Generates the comment from the json string.
      json - the json string that contains comment info
    • toJson

      String toJson()
      Generates a json string from the comment.
      the json string that contains comment info