接口 IAutoFilter

public interface IAutoFilter
Represents autofiltering for the specified worksheet.
  • 方法概要

    Applies the specified autoFilter object.
    Returns True if the worksheet is in the AutoFilter filter mode.
    Returns a Filters collection that represents all the filters in an autofiltered range.
    Returns a Range object that represents the range to which the specified autoFilter applies.
    Gets the sort column or columns, and sort order for the AutoFilter collection.
    Displays all the data returned by the autoFilter object.
  • 方法详细资料

    • getFilterMode

      boolean getFilterMode()
      Returns True if the worksheet is in the AutoFilter filter mode.
    • getFilters

      IFilters getFilters()
      Returns a Filters collection that represents all the filters in an autofiltered range.
    • getRange

      IRange getRange()
      Returns a Range object that represents the range to which the specified autoFilter applies.
    • applyFilter

      void applyFilter()
      Applies the specified autoFilter object.
    • showAllData

      void showAllData()
      Displays all the data returned by the autoFilter object.
    • getSort

      ISort getSort()
      Gets the sort column or columns, and sort order for the AutoFilter collection.