接口 ISort

public interface ISort
Represents the sort interface.
  • 方法详细资料

    • getRange

      IRange getRange()
      Gets the sort range.
    • setRange

      void setRange(IRange value)
      Sets the sort range.
    • getMatchCase

      boolean getMatchCase()
      Gets whether the sort is case sensitive.
    • setMatchCase

      void setMatchCase(boolean value)
      Sets whether the sort is case sensitive.
    • getOrientation

      SortOrientation getOrientation()
      Gets the sort orientation.
    • setOrientation

      void setOrientation(SortOrientation value)
      Sets the sort orientation.
    • getSortFields

      ISortFields getSortFields()
      Gets the sort condition list.
    • getHeader

      boolean getHeader()
      Gets whether the sort range contains a header.
    • setHeader

      void setHeader(boolean value)
      Sets whether the sort range contains a header.
    • apply

      void apply()
      Applies the sort.