Enum Class DynamicFilterType

Serializable, Comparable<DynamicFilterType>, Constable

public enum DynamicFilterType extends Enum<DynamicFilterType>
Specifies the filter type.
  • 嵌套类概要

    从类继承的嵌套类/接口 java.lang.Enum

    Enum.EnumDesc<E extends Enum<E>>
  • 枚举常量概要

    Specifies to filter all above-average values.
    Specifies to filter all below-average values.
    Specifies to filter all values related to last month.
    Specifies to filter all values related to last quarter.
    Specifies to filter all values related to last week.
    Specifies to filter all values related to last year.
    Specifies to filter all dates in January.
    Specifies to filter all dates in October.
    Specifies to filter all dates in November.
    Specifies to filter all dates in December.
    Specifies to filter all dates in February.
    Specifies to filter all dates in March.
    Specifies to filter all dates in April.
    Specifies to filter all dates in May.
    Specifies to filter all dates in June.
    Specifies to filter all dates in July.
    Specifies to filter all dates in August.
    Specifies to filter all dates in September.
    Specifies to filter all values related to next month.
    Specifies to filter all values related to next quarter.
    Specifies to filter all values related to next week.
    Specifies to filter all values related to next year.
    Specifies none.
    Specifies to filter all dates in Quarter1.
    Specifies to filter all dates in Quarter2.
    Specifies to filter all dates in Quarter3.
    Specifies to filter all dates in Quarter4.
    Specifies to filter all values related to the current month.
    Specifies to filter all values related to the current quarter.
    Specifies to filter all values related to the current week.
    Specifies to filter all values related to the current year.
    Specifies to filter all values related to the current date.
    Specifies to filter all values related to tomorrow.
    Specifies to filter all values from today until a year ago.
    Specifies to filter all values related to yesterday.
  • 方法概要

    Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
    Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.

    从类继承的方法 java.lang.Object

    getClass, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
  • 枚举常量详细资料

    • None

      public static final DynamicFilterType None
      Specifies none.
    • Today

      public static final DynamicFilterType Today
      Specifies to filter all values related to the current date.
    • Yesterday

      public static final DynamicFilterType Yesterday
      Specifies to filter all values related to yesterday.
    • Tomorrow

      public static final DynamicFilterType Tomorrow
      Specifies to filter all values related to tomorrow.
    • ThisWeek

      public static final DynamicFilterType ThisWeek
      Specifies to filter all values related to the current week.
    • LastWeek

      public static final DynamicFilterType LastWeek
      Specifies to filter all values related to last week.
    • NextWeek

      public static final DynamicFilterType NextWeek
      Specifies to filter all values related to next week.
    • ThisMonth

      public static final DynamicFilterType ThisMonth
      Specifies to filter all values related to the current month.
    • LastMonth

      public static final DynamicFilterType LastMonth
      Specifies to filter all values related to last month.
    • NextMonth

      public static final DynamicFilterType NextMonth
      Specifies to filter all values related to next month.
    • ThisQuarter

      public static final DynamicFilterType ThisQuarter
      Specifies to filter all values related to the current quarter.
    • LastQuarter

      public static final DynamicFilterType LastQuarter
      Specifies to filter all values related to last quarter.
    • NextQuarter

      public static final DynamicFilterType NextQuarter
      Specifies to filter all values related to next quarter.
    • ThisYear

      public static final DynamicFilterType ThisYear
      Specifies to filter all values related to the current year.
    • LastYear

      public static final DynamicFilterType LastYear
      Specifies to filter all values related to last year.
    • NextYear

      public static final DynamicFilterType NextYear
      Specifies to filter all values related to next year.
    • YearToDate

      public static final DynamicFilterType YearToDate
      Specifies to filter all values from today until a year ago.
    • Q1

      public static final DynamicFilterType Q1
      Specifies to filter all dates in Quarter1.
    • Q2

      public static final DynamicFilterType Q2
      Specifies to filter all dates in Quarter2.
    • Q3

      public static final DynamicFilterType Q3
      Specifies to filter all dates in Quarter3.
    • Q4

      public static final DynamicFilterType Q4
      Specifies to filter all dates in Quarter4.
    • M1

      public static final DynamicFilterType M1
      Specifies to filter all dates in January.
    • M2

      public static final DynamicFilterType M2
      Specifies to filter all dates in February.
    • M3

      public static final DynamicFilterType M3
      Specifies to filter all dates in March.
    • M4

      public static final DynamicFilterType M4
      Specifies to filter all dates in April.
    • M5

      public static final DynamicFilterType M5
      Specifies to filter all dates in May.
    • M6

      public static final DynamicFilterType M6
      Specifies to filter all dates in June.
    • M7

      public static final DynamicFilterType M7
      Specifies to filter all dates in July.
    • M8

      public static final DynamicFilterType M8
      Specifies to filter all dates in August.
    • M9

      public static final DynamicFilterType M9
      Specifies to filter all dates in September.
    • M10

      public static final DynamicFilterType M10
      Specifies to filter all dates in October.
    • M11

      public static final DynamicFilterType M11
      Specifies to filter all dates in November.
    • M12

      public static final DynamicFilterType M12
      Specifies to filter all dates in December.
    • AboveAverage

      public static final DynamicFilterType AboveAverage
      Specifies to filter all above-average values.
    • BelowAverage

      public static final DynamicFilterType BelowAverage
      Specifies to filter all below-average values.
  • 方法详细资料

    • values

      public static DynamicFilterType[] values()
      Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
      an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared
    • valueOf

      public static DynamicFilterType valueOf(String name)
      Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name. The string must match exactly an identifier used to declare an enum constant in this class. (Extraneous whitespace characters are not permitted.)
      name - 要返回的枚举常量的名称。
      IllegalArgumentException - if this enum class has no constant with the specified name
      NullPointerException - 如果参数为空值