Wijmo UI for the Web
wijinputdate jQuery Widget
Create drop-down calendars or lists of dates to collect date information from your users.
Javascript (Usage) 
$(function () {
    var options; // Type:  wijmo.input.wijinputdate.options
Javascript (Specification) 
function wijinputdate() : any;
Browser Compatibility
public OptionactiveField

Default value: 0

Determines the active field index.

public OptionallowSpinLoop

Default value: false

Determines whether the spin behavior can wrap when reaching a maximum or minimum limit.

public OptionamDesignator

Default value: ""

Determines string designator for hours that are "ante meridiem" (before noon).

public OptionautoNextField

Default value: true

Determines whether to automatically moves to the next field.

public OptionblurOnLastChar

Default value: false

Determins whether or not the next control in the tab order receives the focus as soon as the control is filled at the last character.

public OptionblurOnLeftRightKey

Default value: 'none'

Gets or set whether the focus automatically moves to the next or previous tab ordering control when pressing the left, right arrow keys.

public Optioncalendar

Default value: 'default'

This option will supply an element to init the calendar widget

public Optionculture

Default value: ""

Determines the culture used to show values in the wijinputdate widget.

public Optiondate

Determines the initial date value shown for the wijdateinput widget.

public OptiondateFormat

Default value: 'd'

The format pattern to display the date value when control got focus.

public OptiondisplayFormat

Default value: ""

The format pattern to display the date value when control lost focus.

public OptiondropDownButtonAlign

Default value: 'right'

Determines the side, left or right, where the dropdown button appear. Possible values are: 'left', 'right'

public OptionhideEnter

Default value: false

If true, then the browser response is disabled when the ENTER key is pressed.

public Optionhour12As0

Default value: false

A bool value determines the range of hours that can be entered in the control.

public OptionimeMode

Default value: 'auto'

Determines the input method setting of widget. Possible values are: 'auto', 'active', 'inactive', 'disabled'

public OptioninvalidClass

The CSS class applied to the widget when an invalid value is entered.

public OptionkeyDelay

Default value: 800

Determines the time span, in milliseconds, between two input intentions.

public OptionmaxDate

Default value: null

Determines the latest, or maximum date, that can be entered.

public OptionmidnightAs0

Default value: true

A bool value determines whether to express midnight as 24:00.

public OptionminDate

Default value: null

Determines the earliest, or minimum, date that can be entered.

public Optionpickers

Type: wijmo.input.DatePickersClass

An object contains the settings for the dropdown list.

public Optionplaceholder

Determines the text displayed when the widget is blank and contains no initial text.

public OptionpmDesignator

Default value: ""

Determines the string designator for hours that are "post meridiem" (after noon).

public OptionpopupPosition

Detemines the popup position of a calendar. See jQuery.ui.position for position options.

public Optionreadonly

Default value: false

Determines whether a user can enter a value in the wijinput widget. If readonly is true, user can't input value to the wijinput widget.

public OptionshowDropDownButton

Default value: true

Determines whether dropdown button is displayed.

public OptionshowSpinner

Default value: false

Determines whether spinner button is displayed.

public OptionshowTrigger

Determines whether dropdown button is displayed.

public OptionsmartInputMode

Default value: false

Determines whether the control should interpret incomplete year information using the value provided in the "startYear" option.

public OptionspinDown

Default value: null

The spinDown event handler. A function called when spin down event fired.

public OptionspinnerAlign

Default value: 'verticalRight'

Determines the side, left or right, where the spinner button appear. Possible values are: 'vertialLeft', 'verticalRight', 'horizontalDownLeft', 'horizontalUpLeft'. The default value is 'verticalRight'.

public OptionspinUp

Default value: null

The spinUp event handler. A function called when spin up event fired.

public OptionstartYear

Default value: 1950

Determines how the control should interpret incomplete year information when the "smartInputMode" option is set to true.

public OptiontabAction

Default value: 'field'

Gets or sets whether the tab key moves the focus between controls or between fields within the control, possible values is "field", "control".

public OptionvalueBoundsExceeded

Default value: null

The valueBoundsExceeded event hander. A function called when the valueBoundExceeded event fired.

public MethoddestroyDestroy the widget.  
public MethoddropOpen the dropdown window.  
public MethodfocusSet the focus to the widget.  
public MethodgetPostValueGets the text value when the container form is posted back to server.  
public MethodgetTextGets the text displayed in the input box.  
public MethodisDateNullDetermines whether the date is a null value.  
public MethodisDestroyedGet a bool value indicates that whether the widget has been destroyed.  
public MethodisFocusedDetermines whether the widget has the focus.  
public MethodselectTextSelects a range of text in the widget.  
public MethodsetTextSets the text displayed in the input box.  
public MethodspinDownPerforms spin down by the specified field and increment value.  
public MethodspinUpPerforms spin up by the specified field and increment value.  
public MethodwidgetGets element this widget is associated.  
public EventdateChangedThe dateChanged event handler. A function called when the date of the input is changed.  
public EventdropDownButtonMouseDownThe dropdownButtonMouseDown event handler. A function called when the mouse is pressed down on the dropdown button.  
public EventdropDownButtonMouseUpThe dropdownButtonMouseUp event handler. A function called when the mouse is released on the dropdown button.  
public EventdropDownCloseThe dropdownClose event handler. A function called before the widget's dropdown closed.  
public EventdropDownOpenThe dropdownOpen event handler. A function called before the widget's dropdown opened.  
public EventinitializedThe initialized event handler. A function called after the widget is initialized.  
public EventinitializingThe initializing event handler. A function called before the widget is initialized.  
public EventinvalidInputThe invalidInput event handler. A function called when invalid charactor is typed.  
public EventtextChangedFired when the widget text is changed.  

See Also




wijinputdate jQuery Widget



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